[ROM] Eclipse 2.2.2 .906

How much faster does the battery drain on the three versions?
Ahhhh the old battery drain question....

Well first off its overclocked so it will be noticeably different

It all personal usage

I personally get 6 hours out of HEAVY use like that's 6 hours of not putting the phone down, web, twitter, fb, gtalk, tapatalk, phone calls, signal searching. On the 1.2 version.

1.1 may or may not be less

And non probably "normal" amount of battery drain.





Btw about to unleash a 1.25 version lol

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks @ Davros, i did see this sick looking ui, how hard would it be to re skin in it?

Sent from my Toshiba THRiVE AT105 via Tapatalk
ok i just tested adb.. on 3.0 and i cant get it to work , says device offline. so i will get this working after i get this new rom posted