Email will only show read when viewd from the phone.


New Member
Dec 8, 2011
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I just updated my bionic to ICS and setup my emails again. All is good except my emails will ony show read if I view them from my phone. With the older software I could view the email from my desktop and the phone would get that update with a sync. Now I have to view them twice If I use my desktop to read my emails. Once on my desktop then I must go to my phone, list all unread emails and then start clicking them one at a time. Bit of a pain when it is 10+ emails...

Anyone know how to fix this issue so the phone will sync to the server properly and update the emails?
I got it. I was just a fluke with my email server. The server was having problems right after I upgraded to ICS. So the natural inference was that the ICS had a problem. I resolved the email server problem and the phone works well..