Evoland (Android/iOS) Review


DF News Team
Premium Member
Premium Member
May 16, 2012
Reaction score
How would you like to relive the RPGs of the past? and I do mean, ALL the RPGs of the past. Well, then, this is your game.
Apart from some control issues, this game is fairly solid, you can look forward to approx. 4-6 hours of gameplay (more if you die as much as I do).

Grab the Game, you know, if you liked it: Evoland - Android Apps on Google Play
Thanks @wicked
Also, this morning, there was an update to the game. They made the control changes that I recommended in the video. I don't know if someone else hopped on my wagon, or if they watched my video, but none the less, I am thrilled to see the weakest aspect of the game fixed in such a quick manner.
Great review and glad to see they're working to fix things! Might have to pick this one up. My favorite game on my original gameboy was the Legend of Zelda title (can't remember the name) and I've always been a fan or RPGs, even though I'm a very casual gamer.
Ah, I remember links awakening quite fondly... You have inspired me! I know what I'll be streaming tonight!

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