Extended Battery, is it worth it?


New Member
Nov 15, 2010
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Hey everyone. I'm new around here, and I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet. I joined the Android family this summer when I purchased my droid X, but recently got frustrated with Motorola and their locked bootloader. I bought a brand new Dinc off of Craig's List, and I've been loving using it for the past couple of weeks!

Currently I'm on CM7 with invisiblek's #28 kernel, smartass governor and underclocked to 960, but MAN, the stock battery just doesn't hold up very well.

I was looking into purchasing the official 2150mAh battery from HTC, but $60 seems pretty steep to me! For those of you that have this extended battery, is it worth it? Will I be able to make it through the whole day? Right now I have to recharge at least once a day; sometimes twice.

Should I drop the $60? Should I risk the cheap, dangerous third party batteries?
I just bought it. It's definently worth it man. Im a youtuber so I'm on that all day and on the forum here and txting music everything. And my battery still has about 20% around 10 p.m.

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I would get the Seidio Innocell 3500 mAh Extended-Life Battery. You get a lot more for your money. It is around $53.00. Here is a link for you to checkout. http://amzn.to/eQt4hY

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Did the case come with the extended battery and was it a good fit? i just bought my daughter an extended battery and case from Verizon for her incredible, hopefully it was a good idea
I love my extended battery. I got the 3500mAh it lasts all day with heavy use and then some and the case fits perfectly and I love how much heavier and thicker my phone has become.
I too have the Seidio 3500 for my Dinc, as well as my girlfriends Dinc. Our phones are both stock other than the batteries, and with super heavy use from 7:00 am until 9:00-10:00 pm ish, I still have 20-30% on mine! And with regular use, with a lot of Stumble I guess, she gets 2 1/2-3 days!
This battery makes these phones close to flawless in my opinion! The backs snapped on perfectly, and we both like the added weight and shape!
I tried the htc battery for a day and returned it...the extended life battery is a great idea but it was too bulky and heavy for me...I would also have had to buy a new skin and holster...looking into alternatives now...good luck...
I guess I should have done some searching before buying my extended battery at vzw. Though it gives me much more battery life than a stock battery, it still is down to 20-30% after 5PM. I am on The Facebook and Twitter alot so those big battery hogs. Plus youtubing and looking around in the forums. I often charge it while at work because I have pretty laid back job and I use it often while sitting at my desk.
I got mine for free from verizon because I called them really pissed about how short my batt life was because I'm always playing around on my phone. They sent me the extended life batt and I would have paid a lot to have it. My phone lasts 2-5x longer than it did before and I would be screwed without it with all I do on my Droid Inc.

Take the plunge.

Edit: And I am definitely getting that 3500mah batt. for 26 bucks you can't go wrong, I didn't even know that was around.
Been using this extended battery for 6 months now and luv it. It not only lasts all day under a very heavy load but the other sweet advantage to mine is the design of the cover not only fits great, it also gives my cameras lens some extra added protection than the standard cover does! dancedroid
I have been using the 2150 mah extended battery, it does bulk up my phone almost double the width. when i bought the battery it came with the door also. The incredible is a slim phone so even though it bulked up my phone its still a thin phone after i started using the battery. Amazon.com: droid