Extended Battery w/ Cover $25!

I would agree 100%! It is the best investment I've made

Sent from my XT875 using Droid Forums
^^ No idea, I have the Diztronic cover

Just got my extended battery here in NJ. $26.74 I believe that includes tax.
FWIW, it's been $25 since the Bionic was released, you just usually had to log off of your My Verizon account before the $25 price would show up. If you didn't log off it was $50 IIRC.
Will it fit in the otterbox defender?

I've heard that it won't, but some have used a Dremel to the Otterbox. It might be possible to just leave the door off for it to fit.

Mugen makes an extended battery that will fit in the same area as the OEM battery (in fact it uses the OEM door), but it doesn't have has much as the Motorola extended battery, plus it's $49.