External Keyboard for Droid?


Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
I'm thinking about getting a Droid...

For a long time, I was a palm user that had an external folding keyboard....
Lately I've been using a laptop - but was thinking that Android looked powerful enough to meet most of my needs...

The built in thumb-board will work for simple things (urls, passwords, etc) - but there are some things that would be nice to have a "real" keyboard...

As it has bluetooth support, I would hope that it might support a Bluetooth HID keyboard like this:
Freedom Universal Keyboard²

Anyone try something along those lines?
i honestly didnt even think of this, but wow! that would be amazing! im gonna remember this and keep looking. thanks!

Palm Wireless Keyboard With Bluetooth Wireless Technology Wireless Keyboard

does anyone know if this keyboard, which is bluetooth, would be compatible with the droid? how universal is bluetooth technology? just because its bluetooth, does it mean itll connect to any bluetooth device? (i dont know much abt bluetooth, sorry)
I have a Stowaway Shasta and it works great.

There are ONLY SPP drivers for the Droid to wotk with bluetooth keyboards, so keyboards that require HID support will not work. I'm not sure. If the keyboard your asking about supports SPP.
thanks for the response knightshade. any chance you could get me the model number or full name of that keyboard? i want to make sure i order the right one. thanks a bunch!
thanks for the response knightshade. any chance you could get me the model number or full name of that keyboard? i want to make sure i order the right one. thanks a bunch!

+1. I'd love find one that works with the Droid, so I don't have to travel with my laptop for business.
Stowaway Shasta Bluetooth Keyboard
Model Number: STWBBBT

There are other keyboards that have SPP support,
but I've not personally tested them:

This is the driver that I'm using:
(It is now in the market, search for "KeyPro")

From their website:
Compatible Keyboards

* ThinkOutside Shasta Keyboard <-- This is the one that I have
* Freedom Pro Keyboard
* Freedom Universal Keyboard I & II
* Chainpas SmartKeyboard
* Freedom Blackberry Keyboard
* Amzer SmartKeyboard
* Xema BlueKeyboard
* Snap-N-Type Keyboard
* i.Tech Virtual Keyboard

I ordered the Freedom Pro. It should be in later this week. I'll be sure to post my findings.
Wow thanks much guys I was just thinking yesterday, how anout a BT keyboard. good deal, appreciate it
i purchased a non-folding bt keyboard about a week ago. im waiting for it to come in. as soon as it comes in, ill test it out and let yall know what i think. it ran right around $35 with shipping. (i was looking for something cheap to use around the house- not for travel)