facebook stock app, 1.2 update.


Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Palm Coast, Floridaaa
ok so i have a notification question for the stock app. what exactly is it supposed to notify me of? cause now that i'm looking through the settings, it has "Messages/Pokes/Event Invites/Friend Requests" that i can put a checkmark by. but there isn't even a Wall Post option.. is that where the notification problem comes in? it's not SUPPOSED to notify me of wall posts?

i just went on another facebook account on teh comp and did the following.

added my main account. poked it. liked a status. commented a pic. posted on my wall. replied to a status. and commented on a wall post someone else left me.

i refreshed my notifications in the FB app, and i got a notification for the photo comment, and the liked status, and the replied status, and the comment on someone elses wall post to me. but not for the main wall post to me, or the message, or the poke, or friend refresh.

DOES ANYONE GET NOTIFICATIONS for wall posts and messages? or am i gonna have to set it up so for wall posts and messages i get text alerts...
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My facebook app stopped working...it hasn't worked since I updated the phone. :/