fitbit wireless syncing possible with a ROM?


New Member
Jan 8, 2013
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Does anyone know if there are any ROMs or MODs out there that will let apps use Bluetooth 4.0? Need the ability to allow my fitbit to wirelessly of right now the only android devices that have the ability are the note 2 and gs3 :/
If the radio on the motherboard isn't BT4.0 compatible, no ROM, custom or otherwise will enable that communication protocol.

I'll do some research to see if the radio for the HTC Droid DNA is BT4.0 compatible.


OK, so it appears that the HTC Droid DNA DOES have a BT4.0 radio...

"BluetoothYes, v4.0 with A2DP"

So why doesn't it work? You are trying to use Fitbit. Let's see what it runs on...

Well it seems at least ONE owner is having some success;

OK, so here's the explanation;

"it will only be available for owners of the Samsung Galaxy S3 or the Samsung Galaxy Note II.I asked Fitbit why this was and was advised by Barry Burton, Mobile Engineering Lead at Fitbit that the reason phones such as my Nexus 4 cannot be included in the trial is that Android still does not have support for BLE in the native code but has been scheduled to be added at a later date. Matthew Xie a Software Engineer at Google advised that BLE will be the next major feature that is added in this Google Groups post. Samsung however has provided Fitbit with a custom, proprietary way to access their BLE Hardware enabling Fitbit to move ahead with the new app for these devices at least." (

The Kernel doesn't support Bluetooth Low Energy, so any custom ROMs, would not work, I am going to go out on a limb and conclude. Until Android is upgraded for these devices, BLE will not be activated.

