Flushed my phone in the toilet!


New Member
May 10, 2011
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So my phone dropped in the toilet while it was flushing. I couldnt see my phone till the water stopped. I grabbed it out and I noticed the screen was flashing a dark blue...That didnt seem good. The buttons along the bottom of the screen also lit up but I was too afraid to turn the screen on. I thought my phone was done but after a few minutes I decided to take my case off and the battery out. There was some water inside the case but not a ton. Even the water indicators didnt go off. Theyre still white with red x's. I dont see any water behind the screen or in the camera but Im too afraid to turn it on yet. Ive had my phone sitting in rice for about 2 days. How long should I wait and what did the blue screen mean? If my phone is damaged, can verizon tell it was water damage? Will they just replace my phone? I have insurance but I got my phone in august and dropped it in october and had to use the insurance to get a new phone. Is there a limit?
I don't think using alcohol on my phone is the best idea because the indicators didn't go off yet. I don't want to make it go off.
We should handle with care our personal things at all times. What happened to your phone is a serious case. The best thing to do is to consult your problem to the product service center. One of the most essential things we have in our home is a toilet. When it breaks, especially if it is the only one in the house, we suddenly realize how important it is. It is not like you can go to the restroom anywhere else.
We should handle with care our personal things at all times. What happened to your phone is a serious case. The best thing to do is to consult your problem to the product service center. One of the most essential things we have in our home is a toilet. When it breaks, especially if it is the only one in the house, we suddenly realize how important it is. It is not like you can go to the restroom anywhere else.


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