Framework.res question


Silver Member
Jan 4, 2011
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Rochester NY
Why is there a framework file in my download folder. It seems to have been there since a day or two after I rooted. I know it has something to do with icons and themes right? I want to try changing some themes on my stock rom. Is this the file I will be changing? I thought that file was supposedly in the system files not the sd

Sent from my rooted DROID2
I am just going to assume that when you rooted you got some sort of rom on there, fission or a grd one, if u have downloaded any type of small sub theme it could show up as framework-res.apk ...if you yourself are wanting to theme, I suggest downloading another theme, and unzipping them to your desktop and viewing all of the png files in there so you get a good idea of what you can change and put on your phone..frameworkres is in more than one place, it is in system, which has, well..the system files and their associated png's..apps also have this, the pngs are generally in drawable-hdpi but there ARE more places than just that... picture files that have. ".9.png" that is a stretchable image that can be changed but has to be draw9patched (an adbtool)..if...there are a couple ways to change the theme of your phone...ninjamorph, which is an app in the market that is a long route, but more than effective if you are just wanting to replace certain pngs for notification bar can also just replace changed png's in a downloaded and still zipped theme while viewing with 7zip...adb is another option if your command prompt savvy, I myself am not, so I just use adb solely for draw9patch so I can edit the stretched pngs...sorry for all the info, im a lil drunk and rambling. But im pretty sure your answer is in there somewhere, hopefully, lol...but, if it is, it will probly open many more ?'s...I will try to put some helpful links up in another reply that I read, and they helped me out along the way, im not great, but im more than competent enough to change what I want.
I'm still on stock rom but I did download the watermarkd theme but haven't flashed it yet. It could be that. No worries about the drunk thing. When I was drinking it would have been the same with me.

Sent from my rooted DROID2
Eh, was more stoned than drunk but...whatever, lol....ok, so that" watermarkd" theme u downloaded is most likely the framework showing up....simple tell is to move it to ur pc and view archive via 7zip, or just unzip it to ur desktop and check out all the pngs in it and it'll give you a good idea of what it is...
Sorry for the 2x post, but, what rom did u dl the watermarkd for?...did some searching, SOME, searching...and couldn't find it for stock d2g....actually, I really couldn't find any themes for stock d2g....
No doubt. I'll check it out thanks. By the way are you versed in metamorph? I downloaded a bunch of individual icons and status bars. Is it as easy as opening a new project clicking the icon you want changed? Also will I be able to change these things on a stock rom?

Sent from my rooted DROID2
I use metamorph alot, and love it, ppl say it doesn't work w d2g, but i know first hand it does....metamorph files can be found by going to and searching his archives...but, starting a new project?? That sounds like ninjamorph to me?...ninjamorph is basicly a way to replace files on your works well, but for big projects its a big pain n the a**, but, I had my phone themed the way I wanted just using metamorph and the files justin has on his droidpirate website,...but, I did come into a problem with metamorph when I had certain themes on seems some of them were deodexed and with that it brought issues that were just really really my settings dissappearing, and a couple other small things I can't remember now...but, if you need any help, I will do what I can man, send me a pm or continue this thread....never know, someone may stumble upon it and find it useful....hell, that's how I've learned mostly...accident
Well I'm on a normal d2 stock rom. I downloaded a bunch of files from Justin at I just want to make sure that they will work on stock rom. I don't want to mess anything up! His files say you need to be deodexed. Is stock rom deodexed (stock froyo syst. Ver. 2.3.2

Sent from my rooted DROID2
No, but, I had no troubles using his themes without being deodexed....u can get the lite version for free and they angdroid has a deodexed stock rom, as well as one here on the forums that is slimmed down some, but, try it on stock, make sure u have a nandroid....if u do...there r noo worries at all man, clockwork recovery is my best friend...but I love to see what I can do, and sadly what I can't....havnt ran into too much of the latter, so, leme know how it goes man....I have noticed that I have flashed a different status_background.png and when I restart my phone it will sometimes revert to what it was before....that is the only one that has done that too me tho....but, I did some digging and the png names r identical between most moto platforms, what isn't the same is how said platforms pull and use the pngs....d2g needs optimized pngs for some reason(supposedly), but all of the metamorphs I've flashed havnt been opt'ed and they r still kickin
I don't have it in me to flash a rom yet. So are you saying that if something goes wrong I can just flash a backup? How do I get into clockwork if my phone loops or something? Once I get into clockwork just hit restore and everything will be back to normal? I really want to flash liberty as well but I worry about problems. It seems totally customizable!

Sent from my rooted DROID2
Liberty was damn awesome...but, I gota have my sensors working on my d2g, so its not an option for me...and yes, as long as you have koush's droid 2 bootstrapper, (which u should've got AS SOON as u rooted), if not, download it...its a 2$ app that'll save ur 500$ phone...there r links on here for free it up, hit the top button, then the bottom button, then it'll load a bootloader screen, ur volume keys navigate up and down, camera is next, power button is back...make a restore point BEFORE doing ANY modding/theming etc...metamorph included...once you have that restore point saved(they use quite a bit of memory make sure u have plenty of room on ur sd card for backups) ..then u r free to mod how you want and always have a doorway back where u came...this is just the beginning of a plethora of information that I feel you should know before doing any of this... ...let me get to my laptop and I will give u a better list of things... ...and I type much faster on my laptop than on my droid....120wpm is wayyyy better than 60 lol....and on there I can give u hyperlinks so its all easily accessible
I downloaded that app right after rooting and made a backup a few weeks ago. I was also checking out Ninjamorph and it seems that may be better to change individual icons or the status bar? Is metamorph only for themes or can you do individual icons there? So if I go into a bootloop how do I get to clockwork to restore my backup? Does it happen to you often? I don't want to screw my phone just because I tried to change an icon you know? What do you mean by sensors with liberty? Sorry for all the questions but I figured I'd do all the research I can. Thanks for your help!

Sent from my rooted DROID2
No apologies necessary man, its better safe than sorry... I will start w
bootstrap aka clockworkrecovery...if you find yourself caught in a bootloop, a battery pull after 5 seconds of the boot logo and a restart after will hijack the bootup and put you in clockwork recovery...iknow that on my d2 if I plugged my phone into the charger without my battery it got me to clockwork recovery as well, but can't say I've tried it on my global...however you get there you would simply scroll down to backup&restore and load up a previous backup...some people say to wipe data before, some say don't...I've done both..worked either way...when you load a backup...give it takes awhile to load and check the md5sum, when I did it my first few times I thought it was frozen... ..I don't restore often, but, once I got my phone looking and running how I wanted, I kind of left it alone since the d2g doesn't have much developement....which brings me to
roms-d2 roms, I.e. Liberty 1.5/2.0.1 can be ported over to the d2g via the grd rommer tool...but, after flashing the rom, and flashing the rommer over it, you must disable sensors or the phone will restart when it sleeps...there are a few sensors on every moto droid, proximity, infrared(may b the same idk) accelerator, tilt, cpl others im sure...but neways, they r tied into the systems of the d2 and d2g differently causing problems when porting a rom directly without the rommer...that and issues w the dual radios and extra cpu processor slot...with all of these sensors off, your phone wont go into landscape mode...or sleep when you take a call and have it by your ear...can't play many hardkey backlight, amongst others... ..those r the main reasons why I myself havnt used the rommer w liberty...cuz when I had a d2 that's what I was rockin...
Ninjamorph...yes it can be used to change individual icons...but, it would be a small pain n the rear with very small benefit...and you would have to know the exact location of each png so you could navigate thro the maize of png upon png which have similar names to one another...and many apps or settings have the same png in different locations that are different sizes or just serve different purposes...I don't use ninjamorph very much so I can't guide you too well with past experience, I could only give you the general idea if you took this route
metamorph is good, justin has tons of small themes if you want to make ur notification bar black or yellow or red w.e, and the same goes w all images that show up in the notification bar...also has a theme for a red "settings" menu for your phones settings.apk can change your lock pattern pngs or your standard slide lock look..he has a ton of stuff of the droidpirate website, and I paid to be an exclusive member because I use his themes on about 90% of the stuff n my notification its well worth looking into metamorph IMO, altho a thread in the d2g forums somewhere says its no good....meh, I beg to differ, I've had more good luck with it than bad, and for the bad, clockwork has been my remedy.....sorry, this was all alot of info, probly lead to more ?s...if so, ask away man, ill answer to the best of my abilities...but, im no pro, just a petty nerd
Not sure if I mentioned this but I have the d2 not the global. Thanks so much for all the info! So when I get back into clockwork can't I just hit reboot system now instead of restoring a backup? This would be in the case that a theme did not work right, not a rom issue.

Sent from my rooted DROID2
Oh you lucky s.o.b! ...yah, u posted in the global section, but I had a d2, and effin lovedddd liberty.....I would say id send my old nandroid to u....buuuut, there has probly been soooooo much more b.a stuff come out for the global since then its ridiculous...but, if u want me to walk you thro, I still can, I always had significantly better luck modding my d2 instead of d2g...some apps that I had solely for customizing
beautiful widgets (awesome widgets w diff skins...I love it and even use it now)
Chrome to phone(sends html pages from...well, chrome to ur phone...awesome app)
dolphin mini(best browser imo, closest to chrome, very fast and never had an issue)
D2/dx boot logo changer(jrummy16 app) has other tweaks beside logo swapping
droid overclock (another jrummy app)-works perfect on d2...not so much on global
droid 2 bootstrapper(u got it alrdy)
Dropbox (makes it easy to put your current system folder on ur pc to look@ and mod)
Launcherhome(better than blur home, can change any&all icons, even dockbar)
launcherproimages(app that u can download pngs to replace icons using launcher home)
root tools(jrummy app so its got hella good tweaks and boot animation changes)
root explorer(file manager w r/o or read/write function...helps aaalot)
Barnacle tether(don't do it...everyone is bein nazi's w their data now)
titanium backup(must have...u can freeze bloatware...unfreeze to update...make an update zip for a backup of ONLY your apps)

I think that's about it...but I feel im missing advice....use/download liberty 2.0.1 ....I envy you....seriously.....wana trade phones?....ill give u money too,....hell, ill let you drive my 520hp subaru...d@mn I miss, well man, I hope my list helps...or was at least on track to what you typed last...I didn't do a quick reply so I couldn't read back what u said....and I hope this doesn't get moved, since most of the info is usable for d2g...if so, pm me and I can help u further young padewon...or young grasshopper...whatever your oldschool fav nerdy film is...