Front Facing camera

Such short sighted people. A front facing camera would be good for more than video calls.

Self portraits which have already been mentioned

What about game that use the camera. Anyone remember the Gameboy camera?

Other things we haven't thought of yet.
I'm not saying you are wrong or that I disagree...but my point is that I wouldn't base my decision to buy a phone on a front facing camera when there are many other options that I will be using everyday that would effect the quality of use that I get out of the phone. Sure, if I had to choose between a droid X with or without FF cam, for the same price...i'd choose the one with.
Yea at first I was super hype for the front camera in the Iphone4 then they was like umm no wifi so it only works on ATT 3G im like dag then im like ok well ill live with it

I believe you may be mistaken..... it only works on WiFi, not the 3G network.
Yea at first I was super hype for the front camera in the Iphone4 then they was like umm no wifi so it only works on ATT 3G im like dag then im like ok well ill live with it

I believe you may be mistaken..... it only works on WiFi, not the 3G network.

OMG are you seriuos even worst!!! whenever I'm near a "working" wifi I'm near a computer or lan line so still not worth it. ATM I'm staying with my DROID 1 or if I can upgrade to the DRIOD X dancedroid
does fring work on the droid? i'm thinking put it on speaker and turn the phone around.
Interesting to have = yes
a useful, everyday thing I would use = most likely not.

So in the end I dont really care right now.
Color me the "odd man out' here, but I think I would dig the ff camera. Especially for Skype (minutes free) video use. My offspring is overseas in military, and w/ be cool to skype w/ 'em anytime/where/place etc. Yeah, sure I can still use my pc to skype him, but this w/ be another time saver: At my desk while i'm working, on a walk, even while i'm drivieng i could set it so he see's me at least. I hadn't even thought of the possibilities of video phone calls. How cool w/ that be for anyone you haven't seen in a while, or very often.
Then again, maybe it's one of those things that once i have it, i wouldnt' use that much?
But, for now, my vote is a big YES for the front facing camera

I certainly hope you wouldn't actually do a video call while DRIVING!....

Anyways, I'd like a front-facing camera, but not to use it for video calling. I'd like one to use it as a camera, believe it or not.
Front Facing Camera ability is not a just a novelity

I was surprised to read some of the posts on here about the doubts that people will rarely use the front facing camera feature on cell phone. The reasons I have read are people rarely use the cell phone for well an actual phone and have usually on text and surf the net. I would argue that the ffc feature to a phone brings us back in touch with speaking to people live and face to face over long distances, allowing us to reconnect with people in new and better way.

As a Realtor this would be an invaluable tool to be able to speak to a client face to face when you cannot meet with them in person. It gives that needed personal touch which a text message or phone call lacks. As time goes by this may even replace texting entirely as the technology improves to make it easier to video conference in almost any place you might be.

So though it seems like a novelty now as texting use to be. Once it goes main stream it will be hard to turn back. And honestly any one who has watched star trek, SG1, and the like should realize how this will really take off. the new IPAD is slated to have a FFC for use with skyp and other apps. Its here to stay and the tech will only get more sophisticated and easier to use in devices in the next few years.

So to the cell phone makers... FFC on your smart phones should be a standard... I love the droid X but the only thing holding me back fom buying it is no FFC... an issue I am sure will be corrected by the end of the year
I think its the greatest thing that's happened to cell phones. It should have been a default item a long time ago like its been in Japan and most of Europe for years now.
Those that say it is useless are the same ones that said a camera on a cell phone was useless. Now look, just about everyone has a camera phone and use it as their main phone. By 2012-2013 if your not video calling you will be a dinosaur......

i seriously doubt this. Video calling is for those people that have a lot of time to waste staring at a phone while on it. The rest of us that are busy doing other things while on the phone cant sit and stare at a small camera on the phone.

as time goes on and on we get busier and busier.
I would agree with most of you as well... I think the FFC feature would be cool for a house phone hooked up to broadband and maybe having these types of phones at work, hotels, etc would be good for the face time.

But I dont see why we cannot utilize the usb port of the Droid X phones and similar phones with usb port to connect a micro camera :blackdroid::motdroidvert: which faces you or build a case that hooks up to the usb port and relocates it to the top of phone or a case that attached with built in video camera? Think it would be a cheap option... just thinking about how we use computers and all the items we plug in via usb. Obviously dont want an amry swiss knife type thing going on =)
I would agree with most of you as well... I think the FFC feature would be cool for a house phone hooked up to broadband and maybe having these types of phones at work, hotels, etc would be good for the face time.

But I dont see why we cannot utilize the usb port of the Droid X phones and similar phones with usb port to connect a micro camera :blackdroid::motdroidvert: which faces you or build a case that hooks up to the usb port and relocates it to the top of phone or a case that attached with built in video camera? Think it would be a cheap option... just thinking about how we use computers and all the items we plug in via usb. Obviously dont want an amry swiss knife type thing going on =)

i love the idea about it. definitly will get one if the "kit" available. hmm... my christmas list dancedroid
Its not going to be a "Quality" camera, it isnt known if they will work on 3G or wifi only, we dont need more distracted drivers video conferencing at 70MPH, and I see it only being used as a "junk" cam. Maybe you can check out your ear wax problems too, IDK.