FS: Media Dock & Car Dock

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Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all. I have a Verizon/Motorola Home Media Dock and Car Dock for sale. I bought the Seidio accessories so I no longer need them. Home Dock comes with the charger but the Car Dock doesn't. $30 shipped to a US address. If you're interested let me know and I'll send my PayPal address. Thanks.
come on people this sight gonna turn into ebay for droids one minute someone wants to trade a blackberry for a droid next someone trying to sell accesories
What's wrong with that? Users helping other users?

Most forums I'm on have a dedicated FS forum, with iTrader feedback for the users. Works out awesome. :)

Matter of fact, I think I'll take them for $25... PM me your paypal, I'll hit you up after work.

come on people this sight gonna turn into ebay for droids one minute someone wants to trade a blackberry for a droid next someone trying to sell accesories

I asked the mods if this was allowed in my intro thread and was told it was okay. Thanks for your concern though.

What's wrong with that? Users helping other users?

Most forums I'm on have a dedicated FS forum, with iTrader feedback for the users. Works out awesome. :)

Matter of fact, I think I'll take them for $25... PM me your paypal, I'll hit you up after work.


PM sent. Thanks and I totally agree with you. Most of the time it's the easiest place to sell something as you know everyone on the forum has the same interests.
Did you get a PM from me a little bit ago?

Yes, just read it. DroidxRage posted a few minutes before you. If he decides he doesn't want them they're all yours. Thanks.
I think we should have a section for sale/trade. And seller/buyer ratings
Payment Sent... thank you very much! The GF will be happy to find a nice holster in her car one day after work, and I'll have another home charger for my second home... work. :( :lol:

Thanks again! :)
Payment Sent... thank you very much! The GF will be happy to find a nice holster in her car one day after work, and I'll have another home charger for my second home... work. :( :lol:

Thanks again! :)

Cool. As soon as I receive the payment I'll ship them out, most likely USPS priority. Did you include your address on the PayPal payment? If not, send it to me in a PM. Thanks.
I agree that it might be attractive to have a dedicated forum just for users selling items. But it cannot contain any commercial or business sales, nor links to commercial sites - that is free spamming and hurts the Supporting Vendors of this site! Many unrelated forums do this and it works out fine - but needs to be strictly regulated. Which puts a huge load on the Moderators. For a site as large as this one - it could get out of hand very quickly!

And there is also the liability concerns. Say you buy from a fellow poster here - and the item is not what you wanted or as stated. Or the seller gets burned with partial or no payment. On eBay - you have protection from this, but here on the forum site this can become a huge disaster should dissastified buyers/sellers decide the forum owners are responsible. They (owners) can post disclaimers, but you know the courts! ;)

Bottom line - it could be beneficial, but it could also bring on a whole onslaught of added responsibilities and headaches for those running the site.

That's why places like eBay, Craigslist, Etsy, etc. have such strict standards and liability disclaimers, as well as collecting fees to pay for the maintenance of such a program.

Just my two cents.. :) cuskit
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