Fully Convert Your Unlocked HTC 10 To A Verizon HTC 10!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Verizon must be the worlds worst carrier when it comes to developer friendliness. They have chosen to lock up their devices tight. The generally don't approve of devices that have unlockable bootloaders. Verizon even took about 6 months to white list the Nexus 6 for activation. That being said the Verizon variant of the HTC 10 is locked up tight with no support for HTCdev.com's bootloader unlock.

The good news is that the unlocked version of the HTC 10 includes the proper bands to work on Verizon's network. The bad news is that Verizon has decided to not allow HTC to include the software radios for the phone. This ends up being a pretty simple fix. You can now fully convert your Unlocked HTC 10 to a Verizon variant HTC 10.

You will need to be bootloader unlocked, rooted and your phone will need to be S-Offed. Once these requirements have been met you will need to change your CID to the Verizon CID. Boot into bootloader mode and run this command "fastboot oem writecid VZW_001". Once your CID has been changed you will be able to download the Verizon RUU file, place it on your SDcard and then flash the RUU in download mode. Once the RUU is flashed you will have a fully functional Verizon version of the HTC 10 with an unlocked bootloader and the ability to root and flash roms.

Grab the Verizon RUU here