galaxy nexus battery life


Apr 25, 2011
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I have a rooted galaxy nexus running a custom rom jellybean 4,2 and no matter how i set the setting in setcu the battery life is horrible!! i lose like 10% battery life just going on facebook for like 3 minutes any one help please im going insane!!!!!
i have tried about 8 different roms and two kernels. It gets worse or stays the same.
You could try going back to stock, unrooting and start over. Only bad thing about that is backing up all your stuff on SD card. Are you undervolting or running any other tweaks?
I am under volting . and setting it about 730mhz-350mhz. As low as possible and running voltage at around 700 but still losing battery power quick. Even when its charging I Lose battery it will even die while on the charger
OK. I downloaded it. Im going to run it a while and see what it says. I'm going crazy with this battery. Almost to the point to use my iPhone
The battery was the main reason why I got rid of mine

Sent From My Samsung Galaxy III
Is the s3 got a better battery?
Yesterday when I got it I fully charged it and messed around with it on 4g and WiFi. I had 3 hours of screen time. I strteamed music in the car as well. This was in a 6 hour period and my battery was 40%. Way better than my nexus. I have my battery on power saver and my brighness is auto

Sent From My Samsung Galaxy III
The s3 has great battery life. It also has a bigger battery because it is a bigger phone.

As for your Nexus, have you tried another battery? The only way I see your battery losing life while plugged in is through USB. If you're losing while on the wall charger then something is wrong with your battery. Also when on FB and you lose like 10% when on for 3min what are your brightness settings and are you on 4g? Do you happen to have alot of photos on your page or newsfeed?Also, I recall from a few months ago you were overclocked, are you still? Things like these really add up to draining your battery in a short amount of time, though 10% in 3min seems like a battery defect as I don't even lose that much that quickly playing an HD video on YouTube on full brightness.
My brightness is on low to automatic ,,, and I'm under clocked, around 730mhz, I run 4G only when I'm plugged into a wall charger and watching YouTube. Otherwise its on 3G or I even have data off most of the time. I usually get on Facebook to set a status scroll through news feeds real quick then I'm off of it,
Sounds like you have a battery issue to me then. My Nexus battery is the same one I've had since launch and it doesn't drain anywhere near as fast as yours does even on 4g with about 50% screen brightness.
Yeah probably, if I turn everything off and just play music. It will die in like a hour and a half. So I'm probably going to have to get a new battery, dreading to because its a lot to spend and if it don't work
Yeah probably, if I turn everything off and just play music. It will die in like a hour and a half. So I'm probably going to have to get a new battery, dreading to because its a lot to spend and if it don't work
If it drains that quickly without any of the radios on then I would definitely try a new battery.

Batteries are fairly cheap, around the $13-$16 range depending where you look, last I saw at least. Take a look at Amazon, they sell Samsung batteries.