Galaxy nexus on Andorid 5.0, 6.0, etc...?


Apr 14, 2010
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Since the OG Droid has a 550mhz processor, the rest of the Android OS, i think starting 2.3, wouldnt run on the Droid because it required atleast a 1ghz. with quad core around the corner, and my contracts not up for another 2 years, do you think the next latest and greatest OSs for the next 2 years would still be release for the Nexus? I know its a Google device, but i have never owned one so i dont know if they would drop it like that or not.
I don't see why it wouldn't. The way I see it is that Dualcore is still relatively new to cell phones and yet people are talking about quadcore in phones already. ICS was optimized for dualcore phones (to my understanding) and if it's put in a quadcore phone you wouldn't see much of a difference. If there is any benefit to quadcore on ICS, I would think it would be to save more battery, but performance wise, not much of a difference I bet. As for the next version of Android (Jelly Bean?) who knows when that one is going to come out, but I bet the Nexus, Rezound, Razr, etc. would be able to run it. Then again the mobile world moves so quickly who knows...
I would look for the galaxy nexus to receive support through the community for atleast the next 2.5 years. The OG Droid is over 2 years old and it is capable of running 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 4.0 (albeit not well, yet). An unlocked developer phone is the best way to get the most out of your device throughout your contract duration.
Thanks guys, just wanted to get peoples OPINIONS... You guys have been helpful.
Google will most likely "officially" update the GN for two years.

This is coming from how they handled the N1.
We're at a hardware plateau. Quad cores are going to be a minimal upgrade in terms of performance, the best thing they will do is reduce power consumption if the 5th core holds true. In 2 years the only thing we may be lacking is ram and even then, I still think we won't have any issue using an OS 2 years from now on the Nexus.
If the past is an indication of the future, the GN will be perfectly adequate for a year and will receive one major OS upgrade from Google. During this time, the phone will become yesterday's old tech. The OG was surpassed by the Nexus One after just two months.

If you are the sort who worries about keeping up with the Jonses, the GN will feel positively ancient by the time your two-year contract is up, and you'll be chomping at the bit to throw money at VZW - just like they want you to do.

OTH, if you're the sort who can stay satisfied by what the phone can do when you purchased it and look at any future updates as a bonus, you may remain pleased with your purchase longer. With this thinking, you might even beat Verizon's game by holding on to your device longer. Certainly this is a part of what the hacker community is about with it's support- which often extends longer than two years.

It's really more about how you look at such things. Is the glass half full or half empty?

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in this case the glass is merely operating at half of it's capacity.