Galaxy note 3 neo problem

Nikifor Chernev

New Member
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 NEO n750

This is my first post. I need some help with my phone. Recently i've been having issues with my phone turning off on its self. I have tried back up and reset but it didn't work. This issue seems started after updating to 4.3 jellybean. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this. Also after the phone turns off the buttons have no effect, the only way to "fix" it ( for 3-4 days) is by removing the battery and placing it back agian.
Can anyone help me with this issues.

Thank you,
Welcome to the forum ..sorry to hear of issue you have done the factory reset ?

M8 tap'd

Yes i did tyhe factory reset. Like i sayd i also uninstalled some apps that were maby causing the issue but again no luck so far, it seems to happen at around the time the battery is below 45%.

Hmmm ..I can't think of anything that would cause that long have you had the phone ? Possible warranty replacement..

M8 tap'd
I've had it for 3 months now and i guess they would replace it, but i would be without a phone for at least a month, thats why i asked the question here if anyone knows how to fix it. Thank you.
Only other thing would be reset again ..and not install any of your apps and monitor for a least 24 hrs to see if it's the phone or app ...

M8 tap'd
Thank you i will try that now.