Get ready for some more marvel


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Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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getting tired of marvel. too many movies and they should never make movies with cliff hangers.

Which movie had a cliff hanger? And if you're talking about Infinity war ill have to PM you why it was not a cliff hanger so not to spoil it.

But I love how they do a great job connecting their stories to the same universe and yet still make each of these movies their own. Captain American Winter Soldier was a spy film, Ant Man a heist film, Black Panther a movie a that spoke to African Americans, Thor Ragnorok a buddy team up comedy, GoG a space opera, it's like they do a great job telling the stories of these characters in their own film and still find a way to bring them together. Even in their less praised movies such as Age of Ultron and Iron Man 3 they still managed to keep people glued so they can feel up to speed for the next movie. I love what Marvel does. And I actually like what DC did trying to be more grounded, they just needed to do a better job with not trying to change what make the characters them. Superman is the ideal for truth and justice and he idealize that so having him demolish a city and snap Zod's neck is not him. Same is said for Batman killing without remorse unless we are talking about Azrael Batman. Batman may put you in a body cast but you will live.

But I respect your view.
infinity wars has been out long enough so you should not have to worry about posting spoilers. it was released back in april.
infinity wars has been out long enough so you should not have to worry about posting spoilers. it was released back in april.

The reason why Infinity war is a complete movie is for 2 reasons. 1) the main character was actually the villain and he had a happy ending completing his goal. They turned the movie on its head. Had it ended a similar way but with the victors being the avengers it would be considered complete. It felt like a cliff hanger because people are not use to the villain winning.

2) The ending was designed to have the original Avengers from the comics. You are going to Have Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Falcon, and Black Widow.
I don't think Infinity wars should have spoiler alerts at this time. a cliff hanger is one where there is no complete conclusion and there was not one.
I don't think Infinity wars should have spoiler alerts at this time. a cliff hanger is one where there is no complete conclusion and there was not one.
I hear you. But I do know some people who haven't had the chance to see it yet for whatever reason. So I will at least go spoiler hide until the movie releases to DVD. Once it releases to DVD all bets are off then. Because it releases to digital first giving people time to rent it and watch it on their phones or tablets.

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