[Giveaway] TouchReTouch For Android

Ugh.. doesn't let me edit.

I was kinda sloppy so the rocks are a little different lol, but still. Damn.
I'd love to have it to go over all my photos of my daughter. That might have something wrong but are too cute to trash.
Why I should have a copy?

Well, becasue I am nearly blind and becasue of that I always have extra STUFF in exery picture I take. While it doesn't matter much to me, the people that look at my pictures would sure appreciate it! dancedroid
Everytime I take a photo a stupid leprechaun jumps in the picture. I thought it was a miracle at first that I spotted one, but then he keep showing up every time I take a picture. Bad leprechaun bad.

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I could use this app so the wife will stop yelling at me for taking such crappy pics while on vacation...