gmail on droid when out of cell range


Dec 23, 2010
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If I take my Droid X to the mountains, out of cell service, can I enter emails and then send them several days later when I have cell service?
If I take my Droid X to the mountains, out of cell service, can I enter emails and then send them several days later when I have cell service?

Ummm... I believe so... when out of cell range I suggest turning on airplane mode so the cellular radio doesn't take up tons of battery
As for the battery, i intend to have the phone off except when I want to do an email.

The emails are going to be like a journal as we hike the Pacific Crest Trail.
I suggest using a pen and paper :D
seriously though, that battery might not last in the mountains, go old school
How does a pen and paper work?

Seriously. Would the phone (gmail) do what i want?

For charging there are adaptors that use a AA battery. Don't know how many charges I could get from one AA?
it's imap so theoretically it should sit in the outbox until it sends when it has a connection...can't be sure though as I've never tried. what you could do to test is put your phone on airplane mode and not connect to a wireless network, try to send an email, wait ~30 mins, turn your airplane mode back off, and see what the timestamp on the received email was...also, I don't use gmail app, I use k9 mail so I can't really help you on this one anyway
Haven't done this with the X, but with my old personal BB Tour, I used to head out into the desert areas, or up into the Mountains, take some photos with the BB and send them via email. Many of those emails did not send until I was in the Verizon service area.

So, being that the only difference is the tool, and all emails were via Imap Gmail accounts, I would guess it would hold in the phone's memory until it was sent. Now, the question I would have is will it hold with the unit turned Off? I never turned my BB off, if needed, I plugged it into the accessory plug in the Hummer.

But another option might be a free program called "Catch." You can take photos and then tag a 'note' to the photo. I have played with it once, and I was able to tag a photo with a pretty long note.

Once tagged with a note, you can print it, send it to photobucket, picasa, etc., put it into your 'dropbox' if you have it installed, and/or send it as an email. All this can be done after you re-enter your carriers service area.
Newbie here.

Along these lines, is there a place on the device where one can go and say, keep a running journal or such?
I would suggest using a local app like Colornote to make journal entries. That way you can put your phone into airplane mode and not have to worry about any connections.

Sent from my DROIDX