Go SMS Pro- Time stamp issue


New Member
Jan 17, 2015
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Current Phone Model
Galaxy S4 i545
I would like to have a time stamp for every text I receive and send for future reference. With my old phone (Galaxy Centura) I would get a time stamp for every text using Go SMS Pro. I am still using Go SMS Pro, but now with a Galaxy S4, and I am not getting a time stamp for every message. I went through every setting within Go SMS Pro on the old phone and made sure the settings matched with the new phone. Still not getting time stamps for every message.

I found this old thread:

Go SMS Pro Help Android Forum at DroidForums.net

The OP in that thread didn't want a time stamp for every message an JSM9872 showed him what setting to change. Apparently those same settings don't exist in the newer versions of Go SMS Pro.

Does anyone know if I can fix this issue, or is the newest version of Go SMS Pro no longer allowing for such a customization? Thanks in advance.http://www.droidforums.net/members/jsm9872.151157/
I need the same thing.
Used to have time stamp for every text in and out.
Don't know but seems like last updated removed this option.
Anyone know how to get it back?

Sent from somewhere down the rabbit hole.