Google Calendar Searching


New Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Does anyone know if there is a way to search your Google Calendar, much like you can on a desktop? Basically I'm a news photographer and I'll put each day's assignments into my Google Calendar, then if we end up doing some sort of story on it later on down the road I can search for that term and get the exact date, which makes using my station's archive system a thousand times easier.
I've noticed that my Google calendar on my Droid X only keeps about a month's worth of "history." Is there a way to see more of my past appointments and be able to search those past appointments? I'm just using the standard calendar thing that came with the phone and the Google account is the only one synced on the phone, for what that is worth.

I use the calendar app Jorte and I notice that it stores my previous appointments - I went back 4 months and they were there. However, I could not find a way to search thru the Jorte app...I also went to and it also stores your previous appt's and it has a search function - not really sure that either of this is what you were looking for...

And welcome to the site!
I knew Google Calendars on my desktop can search efficiently and quickly, I am just finding times where I need to search when I am already out in the field, and I would love it if my Droid could somehow completely sync with the rest of my Google Calendar, or at least search it. Thanks for the tip on the Jorte calendar, I'll have to check it out!
How does one use Aurora to search a personal Google calendar on a Droid 2? I've downloaded it before based on a user recommendation, but if I open the calendar and press the search button on my Droid 2, no search function. I can't find it as an option under the MENU button. Do I have to go to my browser? What from there? If I open my Google calendar in my browser, then search, opt for Aurora, it still doesn't seem to search my calendar but rather the web in general (as if I'd performed a typical Google search but still nothing from my Google calendar).

I appreciate anybody's help here in using Aurora to search my phone's Google calendar.