Google everywhere?


New Member
May 7, 2015
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When I got my s6, I could use google everywhere, now it's dissapered, seems to be happening to a lot of s6 'I was wondering does anyone know why yet, will it return etc I was enjoying being about to use it even on the lock screen
Also the auto brightness is strange to, on auto it's to dark, so is this a problem to
Cheers john
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What happens when you say "Ok Google" and then "Ok Google Anywhere"?
Does not work unless you press microphone, even options for it have disappeared on my phone, can still work when I press the microphone, going by other forums it's happening to many devices
Try going to Menu>Settings>Voice>"Ok Google" Detection and make sure detection is on.
This kinda thing happened on my Note 4 as they were making changes to the Google Search app. At one point, I had the option to have it work even when the screen was off. Then, it was only when the phone was unlocked. Then, more people got the feature to have it work when the screen was off. Now, it's back to the phone having to be on, which I don't mind, personally, but the voice detection still works.
Detection is on, going by the avalanche of complaints on all forums, it seems either google or Samsung have switched feature off, aparantly they are blaming each other. We all seemed to have it one day, gone the next. It's even dissapered off the options on phone, so very strange