Google Maps Pinch to Zoom Problems


Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
San Francisco
I searched around and couldn't find if anyone else was having this problem...but whenever I use Google Maps and try to pinch zoom in or out, the map responds very strangely. Examples:

-I'll try and zoom in a little bit, and when I lift my fingers off the screen, it will attempt to zoom in as far as it can go on its own as if I've swiped very fast on the screen.

-I'll try and zoom out, and when I lift my fingers, it will zoom back in further than before.

I don't have any problem pinching to zoom in the internet browser or anything, it's just in maps. Anyone else have this problem or have any tips?
I've got the same thing over here (Droid Incredible). I have a friend with a Samsung Galaxy who was able to reproduce it, but only rarely. Not sure who to complain to about this.
This has occured for me too on occassions. I have not updated to the most recent Google Maps ver yet, so I don't know if that will make a difference. Are you running the most current version? I think the market has ver 4.4.0
At least in my limited time with the new update (about 1 minute), it seems to have been fixed. I too used to have those problems. We'll see if it sticks.
I have the most recent update too and I get the same response. The map does not want to zoom in or out and stay there. Not just by pinch but also by using the +/- option on the screen. I thought that Google would have fixed it by now.
I get wierd pinch/zoom behavior with google maps all the time and sometimes with the browser as well. I'm on the most recent OTA update for the DroidX.


  1. in GoogleMaps, I will pinch zoom in or out and when I lift my fingers, GMaps zooms WAY in. Any attempt to zoom out with a pinch continues the zoom in. +/- zoom works and is the only way to correct. This happens about 1 in 10 times.
  2. In GMaps, a pinch zoom will sometimes have no effect. By that I mean it will start the zoom but then snap back to the original zoom factor. I have to make exaggerated finger motions to get it to zoom at all. 1 in 25 times.
  3. In the browser. In portrait orientation, if I swipe down (for a scroll down) on the left side starting at the bezel, it will think I'm doing a pinch zoom. This happens pretty frequently. It's possible I have another finger near but not on the glass. Pretty annoying since there aren't many ways to hold the X without getting this problem.
try to clear your cache.

sometimes it's the way if you lift your fingers off as well maybe? are you moving your fingers in a smooth fluid motion, or do you stutter a bit?
I doubt it's how I lift my fingers. I remove them pretty much in a swift, smooth motion.

What would clearing the cache do? I don't see how there is any interaction between the cache and the touch screen.
In playing around with maps just now, I remembered one other problem. It's not too bad but if you do a quick series of zoom outs ("unpinch") and follow it quickly with a zoom in (pinch), it will frequently zoom out instead. I can get it to happen about half the time.

By the way, I tried to repro the first problem I mentioned (getting stuck zooming in) and couldn't. It's kind of like that annoying noise that goes away when you take your car to the mechanic.
this happens to my droid 1 all the time, even on the latest 4.4 update. I zoom in and zooms out a little at the end. i zoom out and it zooms in fully. very annoying.

the only way i could alleviate this problem is if i keep one of my fingers static and move the other finger in and out. nothing goes haywire if i do that. maybe you all should test it out too.
this happens to my droid 1 all the time, even on the latest 4.4 update. I zoom in and zooms out a little at the end. i zoom out and it zooms in fully. very annoying.

the only way i could alleviate this problem is if i keep one of my fingers static and move the other finger in and out. nothing goes haywire if i do that. maybe you all should test it out too.

Keeping one finger static seems to work well for me. I also noticed that when I want to zoom in/out, if I don't start or end with both fingers too close to each other that seems to help as well.
Honestly this pisses me off. I love it when my iPhone friends laugh at me for this. I have used an iPod Touch for over a year now and it's been flawless at Google Maps. Yet google Maps on Android is like WTF? Come on guys...

Yes there might be some stutter when you lift your fingers, but this is human nature. No one lifts off in the z-direction perfectly orthogonally. That's for a robot. Why else do browsers like xScope and Dolphin account for this and have no pinch zoom issues? Same with the iPhone? I think Google MAps is just EXTRA sensitive.