(Google) Voice Search "Server Problem" on razr maxx

I'm tempted to re-set and start over (using a blank google main account as was stated that isn't synced and then using my actual google as a secondary account that would actually be synced) - but what are the odds now that this seems to be some kind of software, not hardware problem, and that Motorola will get a fix for this soon? I'd love to get my google voice search and commands working, even it it means starting over on the phone and spending 3 hours to re-do all that, but not if they're gonna fix it soon.......or might this still be a hardware problem? Should i try exchanging my phone anyway? I guess if you went through 3 phones and your google account still wasn't working, a new phone wouldn't do me much good, huh? But then how come only some of this are having this problem - a lot of people have a google account, wouldn't it screw it up for most people? Or is it just some google accounts that screw it up? I know this is a lot of questions but i'd appreciate anyone's feedback..........

All great q's... I can't answer any of 'em except to guess. If I were you, I'd go for the new account and reset it all up like I did... Don't count on it being fixed any time soon.
If i un-sync my real Google account, then use a "blank" Google account as the main account and my real Google account as a secondary account - can i still sync my contacts and calendar from my "real" Google account, as well as the real Gmail?
I just left Verizon and we only unchecked the sync contacts option.

It works just fine with everything else synced.

I did a hard reset and wish I knew it was only the contacts.

Try that first, maybe you can live with that until ICS is released.

Hope this helps.


Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using DroidForums
I just left Verizon and we only unchecked the sync contacts option.
It works just fine with everything else synced.
I did a hard reset and wish I knew it was only the contacts.
Try that first, maybe you can live with that until ICS is released.
Hope this helps.


Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using DroidForums

Damn! I wish I had known that too! Oh well.
I just left Verizon and we only unchecked the sync contacts option.

Try that first, maybe you can live with that until ICS is released.

There's no guarantee that Ice Cream Sandwich will fix this!
Nice! I just un-synced my contacts from my main Google account and now Google Voice Command/Search widget/function works. Thanks to Drrooiid and Msblueline for taking the step in figuring this out! I'd still like to know - is that happening to all users who have their Google contacts synced - or just some phones? Or some google accounts?

Also - is there a way to sync Google contacts without having them synced in the main Google account? I guess i could create a new Google account, copy the contacts somehow from my Main google account, and then sync the secondary account? Or can't the contacts be synced for any Google account, for Google Voice Search to work?
Thanks for the props... You can't have ANY Google account constantly sync'ing contacts or "Server Problem"... No biggie... Just manually sync them when you make changes.
No, it is not happening on all the phones. The display model in the store has all four syncs checked and voice search works just fine, of course that phone has no contacts on it (that I'm aware of). It is a display model. The rep I spoke to had the same issue with his phone (he has the DROID MAXX) and he unsynced his contacts and it started working just fine for him.

I have this same problem on my Galaxy Nexus with ICS 4.0.2 and even with a factory reset I still had the server problem voice search issue. If i disable contact syncing then I can voice search successfully. So it's not a hardware problem with Motorola (or Samsung), but ICS won't fix the problem for you. We may have some kind of similar issue with our contacts.
My problem with it is that it won't stop getting me to sign up for it and activate it. Even though I already did activate it, it keeps telling me to start it.
I am chiming in not to "brag" but to try to help...I have one Google account on my phone and have everything syncing and am not experiencing the server problems as described here. I can do a voice search using the widget as well as long pressing the search button.

I'm sorry some of you have this issue.
I am using a Motorola Droid Razr (Android version 4.0.4)
The problem i am facing is regarding voice search , whenever i try by long pressing search key or through widget, it says 'connection problem'
When I try it via mic key in keyboard, it says 'couldn't connect'

I have tried these till now:

1.) turning sync off for all accounts
2.) syncing my contacts to a new google account
3.) removing all google accounts from phone

Noting seems to work, the only time it works is when I have an active data connection (ideally, it should work with/without data connection)

Kindly help :)

the only time it works is when I have an active data connection (ideally, it should work with/without data connection)

Kindly help :)

Correct! How do you expect to connect to Google at all without data or WiFi? Magic? :p