Google Wallet updated to allow any kind of card.

I used wallet over weekend for the first time since January. I went to my local Sports Authority to pick up some gear and I noticed they had the Paypass logo at the checkout. I thought what better time than now to try this out again since I just got it all set up again?

To be honest, I was a little nervous. The line behind me was huge and I didn't want to look like a total jackass on his phone. Anyway, I got to the front of the line, the cashier rang me up, I calmly unlocked wallet and touched it to the pad and.....vibration....and....SUCCESS!

The cashier looked at me like WTF did you just do, as my receipt printed. She looked at it with a glazed over look and handed it to me. I heard a couple people behind me ask, "Did he just pay with his phone?" Awesome :)

Nice! Now that's slicker than whale snot.

The first time I used mine was at a Jack In The Box, when I touched my phone to the pay pass thing and heard it beep, the lady at the register looks over and said, "cool!"
So how do you side load again since VZW has it blocked?
had a chance to test it out today ... works.

was curious if my secure element got bricked because i rommed once before, glad its not

posted via android ....