Google's Secret Project; Hires Senior Director From Apple; plus "Solve for x" X Lab


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Apparently, Google has tempted away a Senior Director at Apple to work on a secret project. According to the source of the story, Simon Prakash, Apple’s senior director of product integrity, will soon be leaving Apple for the warm embrace of Google, and will be working on an unknown secret project that will be run by Google’s co-founder Sergey Brin. Brin is the head of a number of secret research and development projects at Google. Speculation is that Prakash might end up working at the new "Googorola".

Previously, Simon Prakash was in charge of quality control for all of Apple’s products including iPhones and Macs. It will be interesting to see what Prakash ends up working on.

Speaking of secret projects... there is a website called "Solve for <x>" (, owned by Google that went live today. This website is tied to Google's "X Lab", which is their secret projects division. The X Labs work on a number of secret projects, like plates that post what you're eating on your social networks to driverless cars, robots, and more. In fact, one of the projects the x labs could be working on (according to leaks) is something we heard about previously. It is called "Majel" which is supposedly a far more advanced form of personal assistant than what we see in Siri from Apple. Recent rumors peg this project as a fairly advanced Artificial Intelligence system, that aspires to be like J.A.R.V.I.S. from the "Iron Man" movies.

At any rate, their are some rumblings across the web that the "solve for x" website may get some of its projects revealed today. Here is the description/mission as stated on the website:


Solve for X is a place where the curious can go to hear and discuss radical technology ideas for solving global problems. Radical in the sense that the solutions could help billions of people. Radical in the sense that the audaciousness of the proposals makes them sound like science fiction. And radical in the sense that there is some real technology breakthrough on the horizon to give us all hope that these ideas could really be brought to life.

This combination of things - a huge problem to solve, a radical solution for solving it, and the breakthrough technology to make it happen - is the essence of a moonshot.

Solve for X is intended to be a forum to encourage and amplify technology-based moonshot thinking and teamwork.

We can't wait to share what we discover.


This seems very intriguing! Above is a video that you can find on the website, and you can check out the source links below. I wonder if Simon Prakash will be working on one of the projects revealed on this site?

Source: Google's - Solve For X and AndroidPolice and DroidMatters
Oh boy, obviously not a good move. Just look at his eyes. Yep, there's nothing behind them. His brain was obviously eaten by Steve Jobs and replaced by an iPhone 4.
Oh boy, obviously not a good move. Just look at his eyes. Yep, there's nothing behind them. His brain was obviously eaten by Steve Jobs and replaced by an iPhone 4.

Considering he was quality control for iPhones. I wonder how the iPhone 4 antenna issue passed him.
Considering he was quality control for iPhones. I wonder how the iPhone 4 antenna issue passed him.


Cut to: Simon playing Battlefield 3 PC

"Hey Simon, how'd those antennae work out on the new project?"


Those test models crossed your desk a couple days ago. How'd they perform?"

Simon is glued to the monitor amidst explosions and ricochets.

"Test models?"


"Oh yeah, I haven't got to......crap!!! Send them.....dang!!!!! You can just.....this is crap!!!!!! Just pass them through, they should be fine. We're Apple for Christ sake. Ahhhh NO WAY!!! CHEATERS!!!""

Sent from Droid RAZR

Cut to: Simon playing Battlefield 3 PC

"Hey Simon, how'd those antennae work out on the new project?"


Those test models crossed your desk a couple days ago. How'd they perform?"

Simon is glued to the monitor amidst explosions and ricochets.

"Test models?"


"Oh yeah, I haven't got to......crap!!! Send them.....dang!!!!! You can just.....this is crap!!!!!! Just pass them through, they should be fine. We're Apple for Christ sake. Ahhhh NO WAY!!! CHEATERS!!!""

Sent from Droid RAZR

OMG! Everything makes sense now!

So after the iPhone 4 came out, and all those issues happened. Something like this went on:

Simon (Still playing): Yeah?

Steve: Simon WTF! All the iPhone 4s haveantenna issues! You said they were good to go!

Simon: *Looking at screen sees guy holding a grenade* OMG! You're holding it wrong!

Steve: Pardon?

Simon: *insert mass cussing* You're holding it wrong!

Steve: PERFECT! This is why we pay you the big bucks!

Simon: Huh?


"Just throw the d*** thing...."

posted tomorrow using the space time continuum app on my D1...
OMG! Everything makes sense now!

So after the iPhone 4 came out, and all those issues happened. Something like this went on:

Simon (Still playing): Yeah?

Steve: Simon WTF! All the iPhone 4s haveantenna issues! You said they were good to go!

Simon: *Looking at screen sees guy holding a grenade* OMG! You're holding it wrong!

Steve: Pardon?

Simon: *insert mass cussing* You're holding it wrong!

Steve: PERFECT! This is why we pay you the big bucks!

Simon: Huh?

Lol!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahaa awesome!!!!

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