GPS during navigation stopped working


New Member
Feb 20, 2010
Reaction score
North Hills, CA
So I've had my droid for little over 1 month. And when I got it the GPS worked perfectly. But like a week ago the google maps can still pinpoint my location, and it can still kinda track me as I'm moving. But when I enter a destination and ask google maps to navigate it for me it keeps trying to search for GPS and never ends up finding it.

So does anyone have any suggestions, could it have been an app that broke it, or is it something with the satelites? Oh and btw I'm in s. California.

Please help me
i went to google help and here is a reply from a google employee to someone having your problem:

Thom Google Employee


I'd suggest going to Android Market and downloading an app called "GPSTest" by Mike Lockwood. It'll show you diagnostics for your Droid's GPS. I'd also recommend powering down your phone and removing the battery for at least 20 seconds; then restart the device and see if you can get a GPS lock. Let me know if you're still seeing the "Searching for GPS" message. Also - and I say this only a gentle reminder - you need to have a clear view of the sky in order for the GPS to get a lock :)


Hope that helps :D
i went to google help and here is a reply from a google employee to someone having your problem:

Thom Google Employee


I'd suggest going to Android Market and downloading an app called "GPSTest" by Mike Lockwood. It'll show you diagnostics for your Droid's GPS. I'd also recommend powering down your phone and removing the battery for at least 20 seconds; then restart the device and see if you can get a GPS lock. Let me know if you're still seeing the "Searching for GPS" message. Also - and I say this only a gentle reminder - you need to have a clear view of the sky in order for the GPS to get a lock :)


Hope that helps :D

Worked perfectly, it works perfectly now. thank you so much. I did the gps test and than took out the battery for 20 sec. and when i turned it back on, it did the navigation right away.

Again Thank you so much
Near any satellite there is three flags: one is "E", second is "U" and third is "A"
I know what A and E means, but what is "U"?
Since I cannot find author I ask you, maybe you know. Thanks!