gps question

turbo high

New Member
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
lets say im heading south and the droid says direction line tells me to head east. well looking at the droid the line goes to the right...i know simple thing to think about but it would be easier if the map rotated around and showed the actual direction you need to go instead of the oppsit direction.....if this has been posted before im sorry the search button didnt bring this up...
Do you mean, like on an iPhone where you tap the locate button twice the google maps uses the compass to show which way your facing?
i can get the arrow to show the direction im going not a prob there...on my magellan the arrow stays pointing at the top of the screen but the map will actually show south instead of the arrow. so if the line says turn left on the screen you turn left..where the droid will say turn right instead of left...cause the map doesnt change...
The Navigator portion of Google Maps does rotate to show the true direction that you are traveling when you are actually traveling to a given location. The standard map view will not rotate and only the compass arrow changes to show the direction of travel. (FYI, the newest version of Maps also has a night view for Navigator, but no such view exists for the standard Maps).