GTA 5 MotorCycle Crash Sets Off Hilarious 5 Minutes of Mayhem


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

This is WAY off topic, but it's so funny we thought it would be a great way to brighten your day. The video above is from someone playing Grand Theft Auto 5, and it shows off the silliness that can ensue from the game's AI snowballing out of control.

In the video, the player has a motorcycle crash on the highway which results in some other cars crashing into each other, and then more cares pile on, and more, and more. After several minutes of vehicular chaos with various civilians being burned alive or run over as they attempt to flee their vehicles, an ambulance and fire-truck arrive on the scene... but they are catapulted into the cascading madness as well.

In fact, three sets of ambulances and firetrucks eventually arrive, while the whole scene plays out like an apocalyptic bumper car dance of death. The whole pileup lasts for 5 hilarious minutes, and the cries of anguish sound like a herd/flock of bleating sheep. Obviously, something like this would not be funny in real life, but the ridiculously stupid nature of the AI drivers in these vehicles is what makes this game scene so surprisingly funny. It's like some crazy new movie mashup of Death Race 2000 and Idiocracy.

It is probably partially staged with a few mods to the game, but the result is worth the laugh regardless.
LMAO, reminds me of way back years ago playing Driv3r I think, and jumped out of a car that stopped on a what seemed to be flat land, walked behind the vehicle and was steam rolled by the car going seemingly less than a mile per hour. Where if this was real life, I'm pretty sure almost any average male would of been able to stop the car by their mass alone, let alone their arm. Though on topic, that was pretty dang hilarious, thought the first ambulance with the EMT already on fire was a good sign of things to come.
Gotta admire the First Responders for running in there, running away from explosions, then running back in there. I was also disappointed when the little red smart car didn't drive all the way down the beach into the water, though I did think it was funny that it decided that the beach was the best route to safety.
Gotta admire the First Responders for running in there, running away from explosions, then running back in there. I was also disappointed when the little red smart car didn't drive all the way down the beach into the water, though I did think it was funny that it decided that the beach was the best route to safety.
I thought the same thing. It would have been even funnier if it had driven off into the ocean! Either way it definitely added to the hilarity!
There is always cool stuff happening in GTA... it has come so far. I remember playing the very first top down version forever ago. I'll bet not many remember it!

There is always cool stuff happening in GTA... it has come so far. I remember playing the very first top down version forever ago. I'll bet not many remember it!

I remember downloading it from some warez site and my parents freaking out thinking I was going to become a criminal (not joking).
So what cracked me up about it is that so many cars blew up and crashed but in the end looking down at the crash sure it didn't look like all that many cars. Also, so many cars crashed and then drive off.
So what cracked me up about it is that so many cars blew up and crashed but in the end looking down at the crash sure it didn't look like all that many cars. Also, so many cars crashed and then drive off.
That's because the game is programed to "clean up/remove" the cars that were most destroyed after a set amount of time. The game can't have them piling up in that same spot for too long because the amount of polygons being rendered would skyrocket and make the game slow to a crawl.
That's because the game is programed to "clean up/remove" the cars that were most destroyed after a set amount of time. The game can't have them piling up in that same spot for too long because the amount of polygons being rendered would skyrocket and make the game slow to a crawl.
And that's a terrible shame...
The graphics engine this is using is very impressive. At first it seemed prerendered. Video game technology has come so far.
The AI really is impressive as well. As dumb as it is that they keep piling in, they definitely react to this variable by TRYING to skirt around the danger and then screaming like crazy once they're engulfed in flames. Like I mentioned earlier, some of the EMS NPCs seem to head in to help, run from an explosion, and then head in to help again. I even saw one guide a lady over to safety behind the "camera" and then rush back in to help others.