Gtalk/video chat


May 6, 2010
Reaction score
so with the droid 3 recently being rooted, would it be possible to load the google talk from the nexus s onto the D3, so we can be able to make video calls?
Could be. Just be patient the news of Droid 3 is still fairly new. You gotta give the devs some time before they start cooking up roms and much more.

Sent from my DROID 3 directly to YOU!
well allright! ill give it a try after work to see if it works!

if anyone else wants to give it a try feel free ;]
It's said gtalk video will be available with the incoming OTA, maybe a little more time waiting

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
Any update on this, has anyone tried it? Still deciding if I want to root for this or not. But of course I'm also waiting for the safe unrooting solution to appear.