Hacking/tweaking 3G settings and the radio driver


Active Member
Dec 31, 2010
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The 3G tweak is as follows:
Open root explorer (or whices) and navigate to /data, long click local.prop and scroll down to open in text editor. at the end of local.prop add the following lines and an extra empty line at the end, then reboot. voila you should have a more consistent, less laggy 3G connection.

/edit You can find a scripted 3G tweak in zeppelin's newst verion of supercharger. Be warned though as this may not work at all or it may softbrick all wireless connections
the code is (much thanks goes out to Zeppelinrox)

again, save this at the end of build.prop WITH an extra empty line at the end, reboot and you're done. you may notice overall smoother download speeds, higher upload, and faster ping-pong roundtrips.

Now for the fun part! you can try this at your own risk, I have had no problems in the execution of this hack. Much thanks goes out to monks700 for helping me figure things out.

The Radiocomm radio driver Throttle Remover hack!

Okay so this should be relatively straightforward.
Radiocomm will run on W7 32-bit (also 64 bit. ignore any warnings/errors).
You need version 11.11.7 (download link is at the bottom of this post)
. The MA should be set to common->MDM 6x00,
Under the menu Settings->USB you should select PST driver.
Plug in the phone and put it in PC mode.
Radio detection should turn from red to green, A few motorola drivers may install.
Then use the arrow buttons at the middle right of the screen to scroll to the P2K 4 tab.
In the STElem / RDELEM box you will see a few text fields:

change element id to 01C2
record to 0001
offset is unchanged and
length to 0001
Data is 01
Press STELEM (one of the buttons in the box). The text box at the upper middle of Radiocomm will change to green and tell you that things were successful (if you scroll down a bit, that is) Go ahead and reboot your phone, it should be all set.

And thats all. I personally have noticed a definite increase and sustained rate of download speeds when in a high speed 3G area versus having the speeds jump around often

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7632904/RadioComm_v11.11.7_Install.msi, courtesy of pilonull - Works with 64 bit windows 7!
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Just wanted to say many thanks for this post. I've been looking for an easy to read thread that summed all this info up. *applauds*

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums

2 simple questions good sir,

1: if verizon finds out about this can they charge you more and/or deactivate your phone?

2: does this change you from normal signal to roaming signal at all?

just don't want to be charged more for this we have a high enough bill
Data charges while roaming are dependant on your data plan.They won't know a thing.
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this is great news, i will make these changes then report back
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Wow thanks! Simple and easy instructions. Iv been looking for this!

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
Im on win xp. Can I not do the radio hack?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
so far the first part works great, however the seccond part (with Radiocomm) will it work with win 7 x64?

this brought my signal strength from (-95dBm) - (-93dBm) to (-90dBm) - (-88dBm)
this is just off of the first "hack"
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that is great to know! I have only done speed tests without actually looking at the signal quality. Again I stumbled across the local.prop tweak from zeppelinrox's V6 script thread so much thanks for him and his research :D

Radiocomm runs on windows XP perfectly fine, I dont know about 64 bit windows versions.
just ran the second part of the hack, (xp x32) worked fine, my d2g signal has not increased nor decreased however there is a definitely a noticeable speed change, thank you
Can anyone explain how the first part works? These appear to be all GSM parameters.
I dont know much about the local.prop tweak I must admit, and I do have many questions regarding how modding hsupa/hsdpa values help an ev-do 3G. verizon doesnt even use hsupa/hsdpa.

I can assume many things though, and much of it is that I guess the values affect how the phone prioritizes its sending/recieving capabilities to the cell towers to in effect 'streamline' the signal. anything else is purely out of my knowledge.

as a sidenote the radiocomm hack may or may not help you. it seems to work best in areas of full 3G coverage versus the extended network coverage. so it all depends on where you live.
If I can't do the radiocomm part because both my computers are 64 bit, can I at least do the first part, which seems relatively easy and universal? Will I still see benefit from that?
Did the first part, not really seeing a speed increase, though getting more speed tests over 2mbps, perhaps a slight ping increase, but I'll wait and see how speeds are during the day since that's when I usually feel like they are limited by some unseen force, one minute I get 1.5mbps the next 500kbps in another speed test.

Will the 2nd fix possibly increase my upload speed? I have never seen the phone hit over 900-1000kbps in upload, but many people seem to get 1-1.5mbps up on 3g and I just wish I could see the phone go that high to prove it isn't terrible at upload speeds.