Headphone Jack and other issues...


New Member
Nov 29, 2011
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So, I finally made the switch from iPhone, and gave the Razr a whirl. It has had its ups and downs and I am considering taling it back (within the 30 days) and hopping back in line and get the iPhone.
The issues I have been experiencing are as follows:

1. Head phone jack creates poor connection. I have AKG Q460 headphones, with the long jack piece, and when the phone is in my pocket the sound will sometimes skip or turn off completely. It will take several attempts involving removing the headphones and playing/pausing the music until it plays again.

2. Buttons on headphones dont work. I knew this would be the case but I downloaded the Headset Button Controller app to no avail. Are there any other options?

Other issues not headphone related:

3. Still getting poor battery life on absolute minimal usage. Have Juice Defender on aggressive and smart actions set-up. Getting about 12 hours.

4. More of a UI issue I would think, but when typing (msgs or google) the word selection tool is very poor. If I miss out a word, trying to go back is a nightmare

I mainly use my phone as a media device for listening to music to, at and from work. The headphone buttons not working is almost a deal breaker. I know you can get bluetooth pieces with the controls but this will just chew more power. Any help would be awesome, as im pretty keen to not have to go back and get the iPhone.
this almost seems a razr bash post but i will try and fix your problem non the less.... are the headphones supported by the razr? my zagg ones are and they work awesome... ok second part did you try other headphones to see if you got a faulty device this dose happen you know? As far as the battery goes.... for god sakes if your running a dual core (ANY DUAL CORE CHEWS POWER TWICE AS FAST AS SINGLE EVEN THE 4S) so moderate music use will make you need a charge before bed i listen to music for atleast 2 hours a day up to about 5 i don't seem to have a problem at all i don't expect the thing to run with out a charge for a week as it isnt possible for any phone to do that... So maybe its a faulty device get that checked into... but the battery tends to lean towards faulty user thinking their *CELL PHONE* is a psp...

Im sorry if i come off as a bit "bite your head off sh.... down your throat" its just ive been hearing alot of this faulty battery stuff saying it dosent last 10 hours..... it just gets a little annoying when im trying to figure out if they have a problem then bam they say "game" i just face roll to my desk... if it seems you have a legit problem you should contact Verizon as it is a expansive device you should expect good coming outa it
It seems a lot of people are experiencing problems with headphones: Compatible earphones? - xda-developerss for the battery life I couldn't comment because my Razr arrives tomorrow, I can't wait!!!!!!
It seems a lot of people are experiencing problems with headphones: Compatible earphones? - xda-developerss for the battery life I couldn't comment because my Razr arrives tomorrow, I can't wait!!!!!!

my zagg ones work great with it idk why people are having trouble and its a new device so not alot of OLD headphones are going to work specially ones made for iphone lol.... the battery is ok just as good as any other dual core phone just massive game use will drain the battery quick
my zagg ones work great with it idk why people are having trouble and its a new device so not alot of OLD headphones are going to work specially ones made for iphone lol.... the battery is ok just as good as any other dual core phone just massive game use will drain the battery quick

I just got a razr last night,and my headphones arent working right either....while I agree its a new device,what does that have to do with it having a standard 3.5mm jack? That is an issue, IMO. BTW these same headphones I have trouble with in the Razr have went thru my OG droid,droid x, X2, ipod touch,iphone 4,ipod classic,my dell computer and Gtablet,my sons samsung phone,a xoom,a pantech phone....and all these devices had no problem running the headphones....So Id say its a valid issue,any 3.5mm headphone sholud fit any device with a 3.5mm jack provided the jack isnt obstructed by a large or intrusive protective case...I understand that certian brand specific functions such as a microphone or controls may not work,but the speakers should...
The controls on the headphones I use are made specifically for iPhone, but I thought the idea witrh the Headset Controller app was to enable these buttons on an Android phone...
As for the battery, I got about 15 hours yesterday, was playing a game solidly, music and minimal browsing. But thats with very aggressive settings on Smart Actions and JD. I was impressed at how much
The main issue is the headphone jack, tried 3 sets of headphones and all were quite wobbly in the jack, and thus disconnected music and played only certain frequencies. Very annoying.

Other than this, the phone is awesome. Love the blacks on the screen, and the UI is a nice fresh change from the iPhone. But unfortunately, as I mainly use it for music, I really need my headphone controls, and as my headphones are quite expensive, im in a pickle. Will go to Optus today (as im in Australia) and let them know the issue with the jack, if they say they will have to send it away to be checked, not sure what ill do, stick it out or get the 4S...

Edit: Downloaded Droid Headset app and didnt work on my headphones. Checked conflicts, checked to see if app received anything and it didnt. So its either my phone or my headphones (more likely). Has anyone enabled the buttons on the iPhone headphones? Im guessing im having the same issue here. I have also tried Klipsch Control and Headset Button Controller and WinAmp, to no avail.

What are the options with enabling iPhone headset controls on an Android? Anything other than Bluetooth? Different plug end to the headphones? Its the plug end with 3 black bands.
Then you should contact Verizon if your have problems hearing stuff or it crackles ive heard that o.o some people seem to have a issue they hear a crack sound on their phone through headphones... id say have Verizon look into it its prolly a legit problem they are hoping to fix
Then you should contact Verizon if your have problems hearing stuff or it crackles ive heard that o.o some people seem to have a issue they hear a crack sound on their phone through headphones... id say have Verizon look into it its prolly a legit problem they are hoping to fix

I did read somewhere that there was a crackling sound in the headphones, and the OP noted in a later post that when he disabled 4G, the crackling went away. I can not attest to this but it is possible the internal 4G radio is the cause of the interference.
The controls on the headphones I use are made specifically for iPhone, but I thought the idea witrh the Headset Controller app was to enable these buttons on an Android phone...
As for the battery, I got about 15 hours yesterday, was playing a game solidly, music and minimal browsing. But thats with very aggressive settings on Smart Actions and JD. I was impressed at how much
The main issue is the headphone jack, tried 3 sets of headphones and all were quite wobbly in the jack, and thus disconnected music and played only certain frequencies. Very annoying.

Other than this, the phone is awesome. Love the blacks on the screen, and the UI is a nice fresh change from the iPhone. But unfortunately, as I mainly use it for music, I really need my headphone controls, and as my headphones are quite expensive, im in a pickle. Will go to Optus today (as im in Australia) and let them know the issue with the jack, if they say they will have to send it away to be checked, not sure what ill do, stick it out or get the 4S...

Edit: Downloaded Droid Headset app and didnt work on my headphones. Checked conflicts, checked to see if app received anything and it didnt. So its either my phone or my headphones (more likely). Has anyone enabled the buttons on the iPhone headphones? Im guessing im having the same issue here. I have also tried Klipsch Control and Headset Button Controller and WinAmp, to no avail.

What are the options with enabling iPhone headset controls on an Android? Anything other than Bluetooth? Different plug end to the headphones? Its the plug end with 3 black bands.

I read reviews on the app and they are decidedly good. There are a few which reported problems, but almost none that didn't at least get one of the buttons on their headset to do something productive. I didn't specifically see the RAZR mentioned - either in good or bad reports.
I'll chime in on the battery life. 12 hours on a 4G device is bad? What were you expecting

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
this almost seems a razr bash post but i will try and fix your problem non the less.... are the headphones supported by the razr? my zagg ones are and they work awesome... ok second part did you try other headphones to see if you got a faulty device this dose happen you know? As far as the battery goes.... for god sakes if your running a dual core (ANY DUAL CORE CHEWS POWER TWICE AS FAST AS SINGLE EVEN THE 4S) so moderate music use will make you need a charge before bed i listen to music for atleast 2 hours a day up to about 5 i don't seem to have a problem at all i don't expect the thing to run with out a charge for a week as it isnt possible for any phone to do that... So maybe its a faulty device get that checked into... but the battery tends to lean towards faulty user thinking their *CELL PHONE* is a psp...

Im sorry if i come off as a bit "bite your head off sh.... down your throat" its just ive been hearing alot of this faulty battery stuff saying it dosent last 10 hours..... it just gets a little annoying when im trying to figure out if they have a problem then bam they say "game" i just face roll to my desk... if it seems you have a legit problem you should contact Verizon as it is a expansive device you should expect good coming outa it

What is said here is so true. I have been extremely pleased with the battery life on the RAZR. I am perhaps not using it to the extent that others are, and I certainly have at least two advantages over many who note the battery power as being a problem. I have a car mount (and always have used one), and when I am traveling to and fro, the phone is ALWAYS in the mount. Even a half-hour trip in the car is enough to boost the battery by a significant percentage. It fully charges in about an hour in the car. Also, there's the USB cable off my computer at work, and again the phone is attached when at my desk. At home, there is a charger next to my recliner, and when I go to bed, there's one on my night stand. The phone is being replenished between 5 and as many as 8-10 times a day.

I also wish to mention that it is actually better to charge Lithium Ion batteries in multiple shorter periods of time than it is to let it run completely down and then charge completely, as it will last longer (lifespan of the actual battery, not how long a charge lasts), with frequent shorter charges. Still, I do go many times for longer durations without any replenishing of power - sometimes 10 hours or more, so even in those times I've been impressed that the phone still showed as much as 40-50% of remaining charge.

The old adage, "Your results may vary" applies here. There isn't one phone that's right for everyone, nor is there one battery that gives every user the needed tether-free power. You must admit though, that Motorola has done extremely well at bridging the gap here, by both making a thinner phone than anyone else, with a dual-core processor that's crushing the benchmarks, a screen that's by my account beautiful (Pentile or not), and incorporating the Smart Actions tool that is by nearly everyone's account a tremendously powerful feature and manages to squeeze every ounce of energy out of that battery without sacrificing productive processing speed and useability.

Man, I would love to be a fly on the wall of a house with iPhones, and hear what they say about them when they act up, or when they want a feature or capability and find it's not available for their phone (but is for Android phones), or that they will have to pay for the app to perform the same function that there are plenty of free versions in Android which do the same thing. It seems that Apple mongers don't want to complain because it's not politically correct or they'll be considered outcasts or something. I am so glad I never drank that cool-aide.:blink:
I'm in Australia and we don't use the 4g network. taking it back today due to the wobbly jack, will grab another razr and if buttons work will keep, but well see.
I'm in Australia and we don't use the 4g network. taking it back today due to the wobbly jack, will grab another razr and if buttons work will keep, but well see.

Wow, I hope this "wobbly jack" is really only a minor manufacturer's defect in some. I get a very snug fit of the headphone plug on mine, not loose, not wobbly, no crackling or disconnect causing the music to pause, absolutely nothing. I'd take it back and bring the headphones with. Show it to the rep and then do a side-by-side. Hopefully this one's a lemon and your next is an ACE!! :p
I dont think it will be a common issue at all, the jack on my headphones is quite long so when in my pocket it must put a bit of pressure on the jack. To be honest, I dont think I could use an iPhone again...