Help... Droid3 connection to PC transferring Pictures


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
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Every time I connect my phone to PC to transfer my Pictures, I get double Pictures? It seems I get the thumbnails and full size pics. How do I stop this and only transfer full size pics?
I gave up on that issue a long time ago. My only happiness came when the smart phone actually has the dupes together! At least now, when I view by thumbview I can see the dupes and delete them in one mass delete.

I have a LOT of pics of my furbabies on my phone. Hey, they're my children! I found out that when changing from one smart phone to another, my restore creates up to 4 dupes. Pita, but just mass delete.

Think of it this way - when was the last time you ever went in and really took a good look at all those photos on your phone? You might just get some fond memories reviewing them. :)

Yep, I'm a glass half full kind of gal.
Thank you, I've been doing the same thing for awhile too. I was just hoping for an easier way.