Help, Safestrap-Maserati-3.73 recovery removed and now boots straight to BP tools


New Member
Sep 21, 2014
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Current Phone Model
Motorolla Droid 4 XT894
rooted using Razr blade
Installed Safestrap-Maserati-3.73 from stock rom, launched and added active recovery
installed cm-11-20140916-SNAPSHOT-M10-maserati in STOCK rom location (so I don't have wasted space)

worked great! CM 11 loads no problem, but now I needed access to "BP tools" so that I could use QPST and DFW to make some modifications to make the phone compatible with pageplus.

was unable to load BP tools(because safestrap boots in its place) so I installed the same Safestrap-Maserati-3.73 app under CM11 (stock rom is gone), and chose "remove/uninstall recover"

now the problem I am having is it load BP tools defaultly,
instead of loading the stock rom, to confirm: if i hold down vol up+down and press power, and choose normal powerup, it boots to BP tools... anything I can do over USB from a console/adb to fix this?

either get it to boot to the stock rom *or* now that I am done with BP tools, get safestrap active again?
I did not uninstall the APK after removing the recovery, so im reinstallying JB using RSD Lite and going to try all over.
just finished trying from square one again, still tried booting to recovery/bp tools. going to start all over again and try manual uninstall.
just finished trying from square one again, still tried booting to recovery/bp tools. going to start all over again and try manual uninstall.
What do you mean square one and uninstall what?
Do your page plus flashing in stock, then install safestrap and ROMs. Roms don't change radio settings
You should always make radio changes on stock only.