Help With Droid Razr Maxx HD?


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
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I apologize for bothering you all but i am so annoyed at the moment.

I have posted this around a bit because I am a bit frustrated so much over a phone that is not even mine.

My mother broker her OG Droid Razr maxx last week from dropping it so since I am the tech guy at home she wanted my help to get a new phone...

Friday she added a line to her account....and got a GS3....She loved the phone and the colors(eye roll) but the phone had horrible reception which Samsung is known for. Call Quality was awful and she was willing to settle for it. Of course she'll settle now but i refuse to deal with her calling me for the next 2 years complaining about her i convinced her to take it back.

Monday We got a Droid DNA by HTC.....again she loved the way it looks and the colors and the sense animations(eye roll again)....Except once again she had crappy is better than the GS3 in the sense it doesn't drop calls but the call quality is crap...People can't hear her and she can't hear them.

We've already exchanged the phone I am praying Best buy will let us exchange it one last time...I know they are sick of my face and I am sick of being there in best buy.

My mother is not a power user...this is partially my fault. Her droid razr maxx seem to perform well and i rarely heard her complain about it...But i wanted my mom to have a good phone that is going to be supported hence me choosing the GS3 and DNA since they were newer...but both were crap.

So it is obvious that Motorola is our best bet since where she lives it is extremely rural...trees surround the back of the house....
I have a Nokia Lumia 920 on ATT and i only get 1 bar of service but I never drop calls.....

The Droid RAZR series is what i am looking at...


I have been doing research on the Maxx HD and i have read about 3 issues

1. The Screen Randomly turns purple for no reason
2. There is an audible hiss with this phone when talking on enough to cause issues/annoyances for her(and me).

What issues are there with the Maxx HD? Or have the issues been fixed?
I've had zero problems with call quality. I've gotten better reception with this smartphone than any other. Keep in mind that when you go to forums like these most people are looking to find an answer to their issue, similar to you. You will see a lot of complaints but not much praise. Every phone model will act slightly different for everyone. My reception and LTE service may be stellar in my area but only spotty in yours. Again, I have absolutely no complaints so far with my RAZR Maxx HD. Its a good solid phone IMO. Btw, I too am the family tech support so I feel your pain lol.
We have two Razr Maxx HDs on our lines and have had them since the beginning of November with no issues. Call quality is about the best that is out there and the purple screen doesn't sound like an issue that I have heard much about. I think she would be very happy with this phone, Radio and battery are second to none.
I've had zero problems with call quality. I've gotten better reception with this smartphone than any other. Keep in mind that when you go to forums like these most people are looking to find an answer to their issue, similar to you. You will see a lot of complaints but not much praise. Every phone model will act slightly different for everyone. My reception and LTE service may be stellar in my area but only spotty in yours. Again, I have absolutely no complaints so far with my RAZR Maxx HD. Its a good solid phone IMO. Btw, I too am the family tech support so I feel your pain lol.

We have two Razr Maxx HDs on our lines and have had them since the beginning of November with no issues. Call quality is about the best that is out there and the purple screen doesn't sound like an issue that I have heard much about. I think she would be very happy with this phone, Radio and battery are second to none.

Both excellent comments. Droid Firefighter is spot on...people don't typically join forums to tout how much they love their phone, they do so to find out answers to problems or to learn more about what the phones are capable of. In the end, eye candy may win out against actual performance for Mom, but I'd stand my ground if I were you and get her back into a Motorola phone.

The phones are among the best out there and Motorola is known far and wide for their radio communications technology. Just look into almost any police, fire or ambulance vehicle, or look at the portables the beat police carry...Droid Firefighter knows - Motorola.

In 1969, it was a Motorola transponder aboard Apollo 11 that relayed the first words from the moon to the earth. Two years later, NASA’s lunar roving vehicle used a 1.5-pound Motorola FM radio receiver that became known as “the first car radio on the moon.”

Motorola (originally called Galvin Manufacturing Corp.) was founded in 1928 and two years later, introduced what would become one of the world’s first commercially successful car radios. He came about the moniker “Motorola” by linking the word “motor” (for motorcar) with “ola,” which implies sound (as in viola, pianola or Victrola). Ergo, the word quite literally means “sound in motion.”

Who would have thought that "sound in motion" would be taken to this level??,en_US,pg.html is a really cool Motorola timeline interactive site, and some great information about one of America's most successful companies.
for more info about Motorola radios.

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Yep like Said before it's a great phone I've played with most of them todays world it's one of the top phones out there<br>
but that changes about every 3-6 months, I 'm really happy with it and I really put it through the paces<br>
I talked to a KNOWLEDable rep the other day and he said you know this phone has not been out long but he has had no issues with <br>
it that need to be delt with like a lot of others, he said less calls about the HD then anything<br>
just my 2 cents kid for what it's worth have a good one , hope best buy fixes you up good<br><br>FoxKat good stuff about Circle M, &nbsp;I used to live by Chicago and all my ham buddies worked over at Motorola<br>remember Ham radio boys invented almost everything we have in way of 2 way communications all these cool phones we have <br>thank the hams for making them orginally<br>pretty wild that Google bought Motorola now I could not believe it when I read it.<br>one of the boys from the old ham club is now over at blackberry in Canada developing those new blackberrys trying to have them have a comeback.
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In response to the two issues that you posted above:

1. I have never seen my screen randomly turn purple. I never even knew this was a problem for these phones but I haven't seen it on mine.

2. All my phone calls have been very clear and have had no complaints about it at all.
Reception and call quality on my Maxx HD is exceptional and I've never heard of the purple screen.
Okay so as for my post above about my screen never turning people, scratch that. Just a few minutes ago for the first time for a split second my screen flickered purple. Reminded me of this thread so I decided to post it. Let's hope it doesn't happen again..