Here are some custom easy boot animations.

Hmm applied and it worked in clockwork but did not work on bootup. Where do I move it in root explorer? Thnx for reup too
Hey, using root explorer, navigate to /data/local and delete, or rename the in there.

That's more than likely the problem, if still no, let me know

Sent from my DROIDX
What are you running? Rom?

Sent from my DROIDX
I tried on regular gingerbread and I'm currently on zapx ginger blur

I haven't tested on gingerbread, but heard that it doesn't work from other people. Re installing any rom should bring back the original. Ill look into making it ginger bread compatible now

Sent from my DROIDX
Hey, I believe GB looks for sound files here
. try re installing one of the original animations i made, then going into root explorer and make/move the "android.mp3" from /system/media to /system/media/audio/notifications/
Got boot animation to work but no sound. Any ideas?

By the way, your my tester, I dont have the GB leak.....If that doesnt work..... then i am about out of ideas... Ill try one other thing....