Hidden service menu... what is the code?

does anyone have a code for the PhoneUtil Hidden Menu for the Galaxy Nexus?

Happy Birthday?

*edit, so things ive done... and do something

Run ping test (all pass, obviously)
Toggle DNS check (switches to allow
Turn off radio (can you guess?)
Turn off IMS registration required (not sure what that did)
turn off SMS over IMS (" ")
Turn on lte ram dump (" ")
SMSC update/refresh (error/error)
Radio Band selc. (all unsuccessful)
preferred data band (just more options on LTE/3G)
disable data connection (switches to voice only)

gunna back up my rom before i do anything else.
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I can see I've sparked intrest.DancingNexus

Rom: TeamBAMF Paradigm v1.0DancingNexus

*EDIT I didn't have a lock code pop up. and as you can see, there ARE GSM settings and options. didnt really go into detail with them though. i guess ill back up and start pressing buttons.

*edit 2 read previous post.
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I found the service menu code!!!!! Finally!!!! It's *#*#786#*#*. Glad I could be of help.
I can get into the information menu by using *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer and pressing send.

But what is the service menu code? Anyone know what it is yet?

##7764726 – Hidden service menu (Motorola Droid)