Home WiFi not allowing certain apps to work


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Jun 26, 2012
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I am to the point of "forum posting" in my quest to solve this problem. I have a stock Droid Bionic and a Belkin N300 router.

Up until a couple weeks ago everything was great, but lately when connected to my home network I can't download apps from the Play store, my facebook app won't load, and the Youtube app won't load.

Pandora, Twitter, Browser all work. Everything works fine on my work wifi as far as laptops go.

So I am convinced it is my router. I don't have any special settings on it. My provider is Comcast. There is no MAC filter on it. I have unplugged it for 30 secs multiple times, I have had the phone "forget" the network key, I have unplugged the modem, I have changed wireless channels based on apps like wifi analyzer. I called Belkin and was on the phone with them for 15 mins and all she did was walk me through how to change the channel.

The apps I am downloading aren't taking a lot of data so I don't mind switching to 4g to download from the store, it is just annoying that my phone is causing me grief. Any suggestions would be great to why this is happening to me.
Hmmmmm? You said your work wifi as far as "laptops" go??? So your not connecting the phone to that? Missing something there! 4g works on market? Just not your wifi? Check your phone acct settings to make sure your gmail is still there, and check your filter settings on your phone also. But it sounds like something is wrong with your gmail acct accessing the play store, not the router since you have pretty much done everything to that!!!

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The features that don't work at home work on my works wifi. All my devices work at home pin my wifi except these features on my phone. I had them working last night and this morning by chance after I turned airplane mode on and off. This was the first time I messed with that. When I got home tonight it was acting up again. So here I am debating whether or not my hardware is faulty in the phone
Look at your notification tray on top of your screen when you start having these issues. If your wifi and 3g/4g signal indicators are turned white/gray , it means its not connected to the Google servers. Other programs might operate just fine but things like browser and play store won't until they turn blue.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
No, they are both blue. Browsing works, Pandora works, Netflix works, Scorecenter and Twitter works. The only one's that I noticed that don't work on my home wifi are facebook, downloading from the google play store and youtube app. Facebook mobile site works so does youtube's mobile site. I have even manually inputted port 5222 and 5228 on the router for google play store and google talk. I am pretty sure there is something wrong with my phone.

Edit: I just now put it in airplane mode, I powered down I pulled the battery I pulled the sim card, replaced the battery and powered on, turned off airplane mode and enabled wifi and all of the things that weren't working do now without the sim card.
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Yea, that's what I'm getting at. The only reason I can think of that you can't access the Play store, is that your phone is not "communicating" to it that you have a Gmail account! It has to tell it you have a gmail acct. On that note, I'm not sure if you can delete and reinstall your gmail acct without doing a factory reset! Try deleting the app updates, the data cache, and then re-update first. I'm thinking you really might end up having to factory reset and re-initializing the gmail acct on your phone. That'll suck, but back up everything if you go that route first ! Trust me I have been thinking about this for you! LOL

Edit : take it to a corporate store and let them fiddle with it first. Its kinda hard to give advice if the phones not in front of your face. These are just suggestions!
Maybe its the sim card then!!!
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
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Thanks for all your input and interest. Out of all the problems I could be having this one isn't the worst (or so i've read). I'll take it over to the VZW store before I mess with factory resets. Thanks again for the suggestions- it's definitely not your average troubleshoot.
If it works on your wifi at work, but not at home; then it must be something the device doesn't like about your router configuration. Doubtful that the VZW store is going to be able to help you with that.
Well I went into bbym today and they talked me into a factory restore. I'm trading it in for an iPhone tomorrow. JK. Tonight I turned off a setting in the data and battery manager tab (data over network). Every thing is working now that is disabled-it's easier turning that on and off then piping a Sim card or turning wifi off to dl an app or read my news feed. Thanks for all the input guys. If you find an easier solution let me know.
Has anyone found a better solution? My phone is a Moto E (2nd gen) 4G LTE and I'm experiencing the same problem. Only the app that's not working is my company's. I know the obivous answer is "it's something on the app", but we've tried everything. The app works fine on 3G/4G network, it also works fine on most wifi networks. It just doesn't connect on my wifi network. Ans from what Google Analytics says, a whole bunch of our users are experiencing the same issue. Any ideas?
I recently upgraded my home router from an old Linksys to a brand new Belkin router. I increased my internet speed at home and the old router couldn't handle the speed. So, I upgraded.

Since the upgrade, my Galaxy Note 4 (5.0.1) hasn't been able to connect to the internet properly. I could access web-pages, but none of my apps would update. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, even Google Play Store either wouldn't update at all and would send up an error-message, or would take 10-30 seconds to update (sometimes!).

After a LOT of research, come to find out it's an issue with Ipv6. My new router ONLY has Ipv6 options, and apparently there's some sort of conflict between my phone and my router using the Ipv6 standard.

Anyway, I downloaded an app called DNSet, which says it creates a VPN and basically returns my phone to using Ipv4. Since installing this app, everything works exactly like it should! It's fast, it's responsive, everything updates wonderfully.

But I don't like the idea of using an app like this to bypass my phone... Is there anything I should be concerned with using this method? I really can't find any other solution online, other than rooting my phone and manually changing from Ipv6 to Ipv4. I'm not sure I'm comfortable doing that...

Any way we can get this to Google or Verizon or anyone to solve this issue? Anything else I can do to solve this? Is this a safe band-aid for my WiFi troubles?
I recently upgraded my home router from an old Linksys to a brand new Belkin router. I increased my internet speed at home and the old router couldn't handle the speed. So, I upgraded.

Since the upgrade, my Galaxy Note 4 (5.0.1) hasn't been able to connect to the internet properly. I could access web-pages, but none of my apps would update. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, even Google Play Store either wouldn't update at all and would send up an error-message, or would take 10-30 seconds to update (sometimes!).

After a LOT of research, come to find out it's an issue with Ipv6. My new router ONLY has Ipv6 options, and apparently there's some sort of conflict between my phone and my router using the Ipv6 standard.

Anyway, I downloaded an app called DNSet, which says it creates a VPN and basically returns my phone to using Ipv4. Since installing this app, everything works exactly like it should! It's fast, it's responsive, everything updates wonderfully.

But I don't like the idea of using an app like this to bypass my phone... Is there anything I should be concerned with using this method? I really can't find any other solution online, other than rooting my phone and manually changing from Ipv6 to Ipv4. I'm not sure I'm comfortable doing that...

Any way we can get this to Google or Verizon or anyone to solve this issue? Anything else I can do to solve this? Is this a safe band-aid for my WiFi troubles?
Well, that sure is a big mess. I don't know why your new router wouldn't support ipv4, it just seems nearsighted on the part of the manufacturer. Still more disquieting however is that the phone is having a compatibility issue with ipv6. I've said this in the past in other threads where phones and routers have had compatibility issues, so I'll say it again here. I would suggest you go onto the website for the new router and see if there's an upgrade for the router's firmware. Get the Latest Firmware for Belkin Wireless Routers: Basic, Surf, Share, Play, Play Max is where you'll find all the most recent firmware for all of the current models of Belkin routers. It's certainly worth taking a look to see if there is an upgraded firmware. Often times when there are compatibility issues the problem resides not in the phone, but in the router itself. With firmware upgrade often times these problems are resolved.