how to downgrade in order upgrade (232->905->246 OTA)


New Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Hello, I have a Motorolla Droid Bionic and am very excited for the recent over the air release of ice cream sandwich 246. I was running the default gingerbread 905 firmware until about 2 months ago when I got impatient and decided to install the leaked 232 ice cream sandwich. I have enjoyed that software since it fixed a few bugs. I am now interested in getting the official ics release for the Bionic 246. I read around apparently the over the air update for 246 only works for phones running gingerbread 905. I downloaded two identical versions of 905 from different sources and tried to instal them through the recovery menu. Each time I would get the same error E:Error in /tmp/sideload/ (Status 7). Could someone please help me get back to 905 so I can get the official OTA ICS 246 update? Thanks you
You need to fxz back to .905 in order to get the ota. Here is the old thread from this forum that will direct you to to its new home:

Alternatively, you can install .246 directly by using SamuriHL's House of Bionic. Here's the old thread for that, with links to the new home in Samuri's sig line in the OP:
FXZ Back to 905

Hello, I have a Motorolla Droid Bionic and am very excited for the recent over the air release of ice cream sandwich 246. I was running the default gingerbread 905 firmware until about 2 months ago when I got impatient and decided to install the leaked 232 ice cream sandwich. I have enjoyed that software since it fixed a few bugs. I am now interested in getting the official ics release for the Bionic 246. I read around apparently the over the air update for 246 only works for phones running gingerbread 905. I downloaded two identical versions of 905 from different sources and tried to instal them through the recovery menu. Each time I would get the same error E:Error in /tmp/sideload/ (Status 7). Could someone please help me get back to 905 so I can get the official OTA ICS 246 update? Thanks you

5.5.905 Fxz With .901-.232 Compatibility And Alternative .886/.893/.902 Fxzs -
Cool, thank you. I think I will try SamuriHL's method to go directly to 246 because it sounds a bit easier/less complicated. So after I update to .246 using SamuriHL's method, will I be eligible for future Verizon OTA updates? i.e. will I be back on track?
Cool, thank you. I think I will try SamuriHL's method to go directly to 246 because it sounds a bit easier/less complicated. So after I update to .246 using SamuriHL's method, will I be eligible for future Verizon OTA updates? i.e. will I be back on track?

Yep, you will.The update in House of Bionic is exactly the same as the OTA.