How To Enable Double Tap To Wake On The Nexus 6P!


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Oct 6, 2011
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I personally love the placement of the fingerprint scanner on the Nexus 6P. The back of the device for me seems to be the most ergonomic. For me the home button placement on the front of devices like the iPhone and Note 5 can be uncomfortable and hard to reach. These front facing fingerprint scanners do have one major advantage over the rear placement on the Nexus 6P. With a front facing fingerprint scanner it is easy to wake up and unlock a device that is laying on a flat surface like your desk. If only you could double tap to wake the Nexus 6P.

Thanks to some research by XDA member "Flar2" now you can double tap to wake the Nexus 6P as long as you are rooted. All you need to do is download the terminal emulator from the play store. Then you will need to type the command "
echo 1 > /sys/devices/soc.0/f9924000.i2c/i2c-2/2-0070/input/input0/wake_gesture" obviously remove the quotation marks. Once you have correctly applied the command you will be able to double tap your screen to wake it. You will still need to enter a pin to unlock it if you have the pin lock enabled, but this is better than having to pick up the phone just to check the time.

via XDA
Why you gotta love root ...a must on a Nexus ...pretty soon custom ROMs will have it included if not already on them ...and BTW Flar has always delivered with a great kernel for his work is valued in the community

6s plus Tapatalk
While it's cool to unlock different features, I don't really see how this is all that much better than pushing the power button to wake the screen if you still have to enter your PIN/password.
While it's cool to unlock different features, I don't really see how this is all that much better than pushing the power button to wake the screen if you still have to enter your PIN/password.

I think it's just a convenience thing more than anything. Saves you the time of having to grip your whole phone to press down the power button just to turn the screen on. Kind of like the end of the OP, if you just want to check the time/notifications really quick, being able to double tap the screen makes it a quick and easy task.

I have had double tap to wake enabled on mine basically since day one by using a custom kernel and I love it. Even if I have to enter the PIN/pattern to get into it while it is lying on my desk, it's still convenient to not have to pick my device up or grip it to press the power button. Laziness at its finest, ladies and gents!
I cant tap my power button with thumb and finger. I don't have to grip the whole phone. I also don't have it sitting on my desk very often. Matter of opinion. I could see where this might be handy while the phone is in a car dock, but again, still having to enter your pin/etc. makes it seem considerably less handy. Or at least, just the same as using the button.

I use the power button as a matter of muscle memory, so I'd have to train myself to tap instead of use the button anyway.

I'll stick with what I'm used to.
I guess one thing worth considering as well is, if you have smart lock conditions set up, you won't have to use the PIN to get into the device, which is the case for me. I have my work set as a trusted location, which is when I have my phone on my desk the majority of the time. So I can just double tap to wake, then swipe up or double tap a notification and I'm in.

It may not even really be a convenience thing, to be honest. May just be a novelty thing, and I am huge fan of novelty features that carry some amount of functionality as well.
Maybe it's just because I've never experienced tap to wake. I don't really see the need as far as how I use my phone. Just something else to sip on the battery waiting for input. Just my opinion.

I turned off the ambient display as well after a while. Was kind of a neat feature, but I didn't feel like I was really utilizing it all that much. It might be more handy with tap to wake though, so I wouldn't have to pick my phone up to activate it.

I do have my Watch Urbane and truck set as trusted devices and home set as a trusted location, so I don't see the lock screen super often.
Battery was never an issue ...I hear you on the ambient display...

6s Plus
While these features may not suck up enough battery life to be noticeable, they still use battery. Maybe a tiny amount, but it takes power for the screen to be sensing and waiting for a double tap. I'm not saying I've never left a feature like that on even when I rarely used it, but never hurts to turn things off to save those tiny little bits of battery life. They'll add up eventually. ;)
I will need to enable this. My running case doesn't allow the back or side buttons to be accessible. While I don't need my screen very often, I only track with GPS no music, it would be nice not to remove my phone while running.

I still have ambient display on. How do you tell if you get a notification? LED?
Yes. I turned the LED on right away and left it on when I turned ambient display off. I don't think I've ever had a phone that didn't have an LED.
OT- I turned my LED on but I'm not seeing it.