How To Flash Nexus 6 Stock Image, After getting "system.img not found"


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Oct 6, 2011
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If you brick your Nexus device no worries you can always just flash the stock image! The first thing I like to do when i receive my new device, as you all know by now, is to root it! I grabbed the proper twrp recovery and flashed that to my device then i installed the latest beta supersu by "chainfire" which was supposed to work on Android Lollipop without issue, but it turns out i ended up in a bootloop. No worries i proceeded to the Google Android stock images page and downloaded my stock image for the Nexus 6. After extracting the images i ended up with a few files. Normally you should be able to just double click the flash-all.bat file which should launch a script to automatically flash the stock image. However the script flashed the bootloader and radio with no issues and then errored out when it tried to flash the system.img stating that the image doesn't exist. The image is there, but you will have to manually flash it.

You need the SDK Installed, once installed extract the system.image into the "platform-tools" folder. You will see a file labeled "" extract that, open the extracted file and copy and paste the 6 files into the platform-tools folder. You will need to open a command prompt and cd into the platform-tools directory. Boot your phone into bootloader mode "from power off state hold volumedown+power". Then plug your phone into your PC. You will then need to issue a series of commands.

1. fastboot flash bootloader "copyandpastebootloadername"
2. fastboot flash radio "copyandpasteradioname"
3. fastboot reboot-bootloader
4. fastboot flash boot boot.img
5. fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
6. fastboot flash system system.img
7. fastboot reboot

This will be like you are booting your phone up for the first time, and as such will take a while for the phone to fully boot.

Download SDK
Nexus 6 Stock Image