How To Install Nightlies


Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX and College Station, TX
Alright, total n00b here when it comes to the CM world. I just switched over from SSX 2.2 to just plain Jane CM7 (simply stunning was just too unstable for me personally.) So far, CM7 has been great! I downloaded it, installed it, the most current nightly, and the gapps at the same time. So everything is smooth right now. BUT! here's my question. When the next nightly comes out, what do I have to do to install it? Basically, what do I have to wipe? Just dalvik? Do I need to wipe the cashe partition? I hope I don't have to do a data wipe, because that would suck to have to set everything back up.

Anywho, any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Perfect! That's what I was hoping to hear! Does gapps need to be reinstalled after the installation of a nightly?

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums

Nope. Just wipe dalvik and reinstall the camera fix with each nightly and you're good to go. Enjoy!

[witty pun concerning the current ROM and custom memory script on my device]