How to set a picture to your background


Nov 21, 2009
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Here are the steps to set a picture from this site to the background of your Droid... Hope this clears some confusions up...

1. go to the picture on your phone
2. press on the pic and choose save
3. find and open picture on your phone
4. press "set as" near the top of your screen
5. select wallpaper
6. resize the orange box so that it covers the whole picture
7. set it
8. all done :)

:icon_ banana:
Foolow up question (kind of)

meh - Thanks for making all the cool wallpapers. This is not exactly on topic, its almost the reverse of the original topic, but I did not want to make a separate thread for it...

One of your wallpapers reminded me of a picture I took, I wanted to post a wallpaper of it. How do I post something to the wallpapers gallery? I can't find a "post wallpaper" link anywhere. Or do I post it and hope an editor thinks it warrants going in the gallery?
meh - Thanks for making all the cool wallpapers. This is not exactly on topic, its almost the reverse of the original topic, but I did not want to make a separate thread for it...

One of your wallpapers reminded me of a picture I took, I wanted to post a wallpaper of it. How do I post something to the wallpapers gallery? I can't find a "post wallpaper" link anywhere. Or do I post it and hope an editor thinks it warrants going in the gallery?

its easy:

1) go to the gallery
2) go to the section that most fits your picture (sports, movies, etc)
3) look on the upper right for the upload photos button
4) fill out the info on it... make sure you at least give it a couple keywords describing it so people can find it if they are searching for it
5) press select files for upload button and find the file you want on your computer
6) press upload/submit once its loaded
7) then you click the submit or something like that button on the next screen and you are done... find your picture in your My Photos link when you are in the gallery

Hope that helps ya
When I try to make my picture I've takem with the phone a wallppaper the picture is sooo big and zoomed in. How do I fix this?
Pixel width maybe? / Thanks meh!

I think you have to limit it to 900 pixels wide by 854 high. That's what I did with mine, and it looks ok on my phone, I'm about to post them.

@meh - thanks! Err, an upload link in the category where the wallpaper belongs, well how could I ever have found that on my own! Don't know how I missed it...
when i set a pic as a wall paper it is huge and rediculously zoomed in... is there a way to fix it so it looks better and fits better?
Ya I resized it on my computer and it still shows up huge :( SOMEONE HELP :(
How did you resize it?

Did the tool you used to resize it show the actual pixel width? Some tools show the pixel width but then there is a DPI setting too so 900 pixels is not always 900 pixels. I've made this mistake when exporting files from photoshop...
I am having the same exact problem and my photo is sized far less than 900 pixels... When I go to the gallery and select the photo I want to use as my wallpaper, it makes me crop it. I don't want to crop the photo, but would rather it be my background just the way it is, rather than making it extremely large and zoomed in. Please help!
Ok I'm having the same problem I have picsay and photoshop mobile I have tried resizing the picture saving it and applying it as wall paper and it just looks more pixelated... anyone have any other ideas?? I have also tried cropping different sizes and importing pictures from my old storm which had a 3 mp camera, and the photo is still huge! Idea for an app possibly?? Just import ur pic to it and u can find perfect size and crop to ur perfect size??? Lol idk some help please :(
Same question here. And to expand on it - how do I place a picture so it's the background for only my home screen, rather than the picture covering all three screens? I'd like a different photo for each of the three screens if I can.

Same question here. And to expand on it - how do I place a picture so it's the background for only my home screen, rather than the picture covering all three screens? I'd like a different photo for each of the three screens if I can.


Can't...All 3 screens are your Home screen or 5 screens in 2.1 or with Home apps....