How to turn screen off during calls


New Member
Jan 24, 2011
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About 2 days ago the screen on my phone started staying on during calls, causing me to hang up on people, put them on mute and make calls during calls. VERY ANNOYING!!
Is there a setting for this? I have uninstalled all apps that I got in the last few days that would have anything to do with this and no change.

Help!! Thanks!!
If your gonna do what he said, first go into settings>accessibility, and uncheck power button end call or you'll lose that call when you hit power. Are you taking these calls on speaker? I believe phone should automatically screen off when you put it to your ear so you don't hang up with your face.

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About 2 days ago the screen on my phone started staying on during calls, causing me to hang up on people, put them on mute and make calls during calls. VERY ANNOYING!!
Is there a setting for this? I have uninstalled all apps that I got in the last few days that would have anything to do with this and no change.

Help!! Thanks!!

Download Screebl from the Market. I believe it gives you an option to turn your screen off.

But really you have a proximity sensor on your phone and it should cause the screen to go black automatically. Long hair has been known to be an issue with this. If you have long hair sling it to one side before making a call.
Thanks for your help! I have had the phone for a month and have never had a problem before. The screen would go off when it was close to my head and turn back on when I took it away. Now it never goes off during calls.
Apparently rebooting it twice is the secret. I rebooted a few days ago and then again today and poof it works again.