how to unroot my phone

Thank you so much for the help I wasn't sure where to even look. So question for the time being, until I can find someone to help 1) do you think a factory reset will help with using the personalize settings or do you think I'm screwed BC it is connected some how to the soft ware? 2) how do you "flash" the ruu onto the SD card for future reference and I really am appreciative of all the help!!

The simplest answer is to load a new ROM on the phone. That should fix most if not all of your issues.
1) Look for an app called superuser or super su . If it's there, the phone is more than likely rooted.

2) To unroot the phone delete the app superuser or super su.

2a) To check the bootloader, power down the phone, then power on holding power and Vol down. You will be presented with your bootloader screen, it should say *LOCKED* *UNLOCKED* or *RELOCKED* in the top left.

Check the thread in my sig for instructions on how to root/ROM if you're interested.

What if you go and try to delete but won't let you but it says disable should I click it to or what should I do