HTC Re Camera is Also Officially Unveiled; Can Pre-order Now for $199


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Up periscope! Now you can take a gander at the other product which HTC unveiled today at their press event. It's called the HTC Re, and it is basically a camera accessory that you can take on the go to catch those "active lifestyle" moments.

Just as rumors suggested previously, the HTC Re is similar in concept to the GoPro series of action cam devices. It's available in 4 colors: orange, teal, white, or navy blue, and can be pre-ordered for $199 USD. Here are it's internal hardware specifications,
  • 16MP Camera
  • 1/2.3″ CMOS sensor
  • Ultra-wide angle lens (146 degrees) f/2.8
  • 8GB storage via MicroSD (included in box)
  • 820 mAh battery
  • Dimensions: 96.7 x 26.5 mm
  • Weight: 65.5 grams
  • Bluetooth, WiFi, WiFi Direct
  • MicroUSB
  • IP57 certification
We also have a breakdown of software capabilities:
  • Sync photos, videos, and time lapse over WiFi
  • Backs up all your photos to your phone or the cloud
  • Real-time video streaming to YouTube
  • See live view of the camera output on your phone
  • Use your phone as a remote control
  • Works with Zoe to create after effects and highlight reels
Sound off and let us know what you think of this interesting new product from HTC. Is this a good idea for them to branch into, or are they just playing in a sandbox they should stay out of?

You can pre-order the device here: Product Detail RE United States
New tagline: HTC Re: "The new Canon"
"It's not your grandpa's camera"
Funny, we went to Yellowstone Nat Park a couple weeks ago the only people we saw using regular cameras & DSLRs were tourists from other countries. They'd all pile off the tour bus with these massive DSLRs with huge lens'. Couldn't blame them really, because that's the type of camera you'd want to use at a place like Yellowstone. But the majority of regular weekend park visitors (like myself) we're all using our phones to take pictures.

tap'n on my S5
New tagline: HTC Re: "The new Canon"
"It's not your grandpa's camera"
Funny, we went to Yellowstone Nat Park a couple weeks ago the only people we saw using regular cameras & DSLRs were tourists from other countries. They'd all pile off the tour bus with these massive DSLRs with huge lens'. Couldn't blame them really, because that's the type of camera you'd want to use at a place like Yellowstone. But the majority of regular weekend park visitors (like myself) we're all using our phones to take pictures.

tap'n on my S5

Born and raised in California and refuse to use my phone as a camera. Yes, I'll get a few candids on it or pictures that are usually never looked at again, but if I am going anywhere that I know I'll be taking photos that I will want to keep, my DSLR is around my neck. And no, I don't use auto mode. Its 95% manual mode and once in a while I'll use aperature priority mode. My wife hates it when we get in the car and I put the camera on her lap. I'm not putting it in my trunk, even in a case, with how I drive =D. But when she gets prints or wants to send photos to family, she sure likes my camera when the pictures are beautiful.
Reminds of of the Philips Key007 and Key019. I had the Key019 and it actually had 1" LCD display/viewfinder. Not remarkable and not new. This is 2004 again.
I think between this and the Sony qx there could be a market for a decent secondary camera attachment you can use with your phone. For people with devices like the Motorola or (some) nexus devices where the cameras are not as good as the iPhone or Samsung cameras, if priced right I can see people using something like this or the qx for memorable shots. Unfortunately that means you have to always have the device handy for those quick memorable shots.
I have to recall my last post, looks like I should have done a little more research on the re. I will pass on the re but still would like to see a cheaper version of the sony qx lens

Yikes! That's a huge lens right there. With the quality of cameras built into today's smartphones, it would be interesting to see the results from using this accessory. Very cool

tap'n on my S5