HTC's New One A9 Commercial Shows Their Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

It's hard to dispute that HTC was up to some duplicitous chicanery when they recently launched the HTC One A9, because it looks nearly identical to the Apple iPhone 6. Sadly, they have taken their hypocrisy to an all new high. Not only are they basically copying the overall design aesthetic of Apple's iPhone, but their latest video commercial for the device blatantly copies one of Apple's old commercials from the eighties.

The new One A9 commercial even has the audacity to blatantly use "kicking Apple" imagery, even though the commercial itself and the product it portrays are copies. What's most egregious is that the commercial admonishes us to "be Bold, Loud, Free & Brilliant," even as the content "apes" Apple's marketing tactics. The final critique of this commercial is that it barely even showcases the phone that it is trying to sell us.

We can applaud HTC for a commercial with high production values, and even give them credit for creating something that does grab your attention, yet the blatant hypocrisy just smacks you in the face. Perhaps HTC gave up trying to be "brilliant" and just decided to troll the average consumer who are easily enamored by all things "Apple." Check out the video below and let us know what you think?
Here's the HTC One A9 commercial followed by the old Apple commercial for comparison:

Obviously they aren't exact duplicates, yet the similarities are undeniable and seem purposeful.
I love how the apple one breaks the sheeple mentality to only make their own branded sheeple in the process.

Also, ya, HTC kinda took a few ideas. Even if it was unintentional, someone must have seen it when reviewing it.
Yeah... very true. I've always thought Apple's 1984 commercial ended up being a self-fulfilling prophecy in reverse. Apple became what they wanted to smash in that commercial.
Yeah... very true. I've always thought Apple's 1984 commercial ended up being a self-fulfilling prophecy in reverse. Apple became what they wanted to smash in that commercial.
Very True. Look how People Camp out & Line up for Apple Products on Launch. It's sad.
I do like the music and parkour in that commercial. It's a great idea, except... it's HTC.

better than the drivel they were releasing as commercials last year.
Very True. Look how People Camp out & Line up for Apple Products on Launch. It's sad.
Wait a minute, I think I did the virtual equivalent of lining up and camping out for my nexus... Oh No, I'm a Sheepus!
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Wait a minute, I think I did the virtual equivalent of lining up and camping out for my nexus... Oh No, I'm a Sheepus!
Lol. But have you done this for each Nexus release like most iPhone owners do?
Meh...and I love parkour videos. I just don't care for HTC anymore. I gave them chance after chance and it just isn't relevant for my needs.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I don't see anything wrong with it. Kind of fits in with the overall Google ads to "be different, not the same".
BUT I think the overall tone is odd. It's not like Apple is at 90%. It's still pretty close to 50/50 Apple v Android last time I checked. Yea, yea, 50% of ONE manufacturer versus 50% of several, but still...far cry from being all big brothery.

Of course, I also drive a Saab that had very similar marketing for awhile. ;)
So maybe this type of marketing speaks to me.
Good for HTC. And screw Apple and their unwashed, patchouli wearing users..............
And yet another article where HTC is made out to be a culprit. I've said it before and I will say it again...Apple ripped off HTC'S design. They even hired HTC engineers to do it. This design was the natural evolution of the HTC lineup and they are now said to be the copier.

The video aside, it's sad to see this kind of continous reporting of a really big no-brainer.
Makes me think another manufacturer needs to do a remake of the Apple commercial with the prisoners wearing grey jumpsuits with the Apple logo stamped on the back. As others have said, they turned into what they hated.