I dont know whats wrong with my screen


New Member
May 21, 2014
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I just got this Motorola Droid or A855 a few months ago but I went to sleep with it on the charger and I woke up and turned it on but the screen was black and I knew the phone was on I don't know what to do I don't know if its a LCD problem or if its a black screen of death but sometimes if I slide out my keyboard it will turn on but I don't have a warranty anymore and i cant afford to get it fixed at this moment and i cant afford a new phone right now and sometimes if i hold it to the light at a certain angle i can see the screen but i don't know what to do PLEASE HELP ME
Have you tried pulling the battery?

The OG Droid is an ancient phone by today's standard, I wouldn't be surprised if the display was shot
i did and i didn't have any luck but what do you mean hardware related problems?
Meaning something that will require physical repair or replacement of broken/defective parts. Maybe a bad LCD, maybe a loose/broken cable...
Without the necessary diagnostic equipment, it's difficult to impossible to know definitively which it is...
i did and i didn't have any luck but what do you mean hardware related problems?
exactly what Danvee said.

Recommend you bring it into a cell phone repair shop and have them take a look at it. They'll most likely need to take it apart, unless the repair person has seen enough of the same problem and can just give a diagnosis right there. Considering the age of the phone though, they may not even carry parts or access to them even.
That's kind of tough considering we are all over the world and have no idea where you are. Try a Google search in your area.
I'd start with whomever you purchased it from. They may have a recommendation.