I dropped my note 2 and it didn't break


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
Northern Ca
I dropped it on my tile floor in a otterbox case, screen down, nothing broke :)

sent from note 2
Funny thing, I don't remember ever dropping a phone but this note 2, I have dropped 3 times. Once before there was any protection (waiting for it in the mail). Twice with my gel case on. Each time I freaked and was afraid to look but it survived. I think my problem is that it is so big and slippery (not so bad with the case on) that I just don't have as good a grip on it. This is the first phone I bothered getting insurance on, so good thing at the rate I'm going.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
I dropped it on my tile floor in a otterbox case, screen down, nothing broke :)

sent from note 2

Throw it harder next time. ;-)

Man I feel for you, but I'm a real life butter finger. I've dropped my Maxx 2 dozen times and it only broke once when it landed face down in some sand.
My new note 2 is so big (cartoonish big) but it hasn't slipped yet.
been there. these things just don't break! I've tried hard. The furthest I've thrown my phone was when I wanted to stunt-close the cover lid, and the phone just detached from the cover. It landed 5 meters away.