I think pigs are now flying...

No, wait...it's not the actual 5.1 update YET. It's the first part before getting 5.1. My bad.

But, that means it's on the way...
Ah! It came right behind the first one...nice....it's gotta be downloaded over wifi though.
Took about 45 minutes to complete, between the download and the full install. The download was slow because I'm at work...our network isn't the greatest and it's just over 700 MB.

There are some new-look elements to it; the lock screen is the first thing you'll notice. For me, I also noticed the "Power Widget" was gone which toggles my Bluetooth, Wireless, GPS, etc. But now I can swipe down at the lock screen and toggle those from there. So I don't need to unlock the phone to toggle the Bluetooth anymore.

You get to customize the "OK Google Now" phrase. Kinda neat. There's a built-in flashlight now; no separate app required (about time).

I'm still messing around with it to see what else there may be. So far, not too bad.
Congrats, got mine this evening!! And that two-part update fooled me too. :D

So ... now when we gonna get Marshmallow?! I think it will never come to the original Moto X, the phone will conk out before Verizon approves it.

Enjoy your lollipop! I like the looks so far (only using it for 30 minutes though).
So ... now when we gonna get Marshmallow?! I think it will never come to the original Moto X, the phone will conk out before Verizon approves it.

Yeah, I really don't see M happening for the 2013 X. I think this phone is done with updates. As much trouble as they were having with L, I didn't think that would ever see the light of day on this device.
Still trying to get used to it after a day and a half. My 2 tablets have had 5.1.1 for months now, but it somehow feels different on the phone. Maybe I need more time with it.
Yesterday was my first full day with it. I'm not that heavy with usage of the phone throughout the day since I'm in front of a computer all day at work, but I do have the phone connected to the corporate wifi when I'm here at the office and it's generally always on wifi when available.

The phone came off the charger at 6 am yesterday and by 3 pm it was down to about 48%. I guess that's about normal-ish. I never have Bluetooth on if I'm not in the car and I've apparently had to turn Location on now...it seems like that's "all or nothing" now...no more of that "halfway" option, which was how I had it set before. Rarely would I need to use Location/GPS, and if I was using the GPS in the car, it was on longer trips and I'd have the phone plugged into a car charger.

Lately during the day at work I have been plugging the phone up to a charger as a "just because" measure, at least for a little bit.

My typical day normally consist of maybe a few texts, some very light internet usage (again, I'm at a PC all day), and the heaviest usage it gets is when my girlfriend calls me on her hour-long ride home in the evening. Then after that I might check in on the 'net before going to bed, and then back on the charger it goes overnight.

Guess I'll see how it goes.
My first full day was yesterday to. Like you my battery life has been about the same. I did have one minor glitch happen a couple of times. It seemed when I ended a call, sometimes a warning would pop up saying Hangouts has stopped. The funny thing is I have Hangouts disabled and I always have from day one. So I cleared the cache partition last night. Let's see if that helps. And an FYI, if your going to try and clear the cache partition, the old way doesn't work anymore. Google the procedure for clearing it on the Moto X 2nd gen. That's how you clear it now.

Edit: the Hangouts stopped message is still popping up but to me that's not worth an FDR. Now if other things creep up, then I'll consider it. However for me it's a last resort.
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Enabling Hangouts is really the only way to stop that. An FDR won't help if you just disable Hangouts again. Something, no one is sure what, is tied to Hangouts and it crashes every time that *whatever it is* checks for it.
I went ahead and did the FDR after the update due to the battery and phone turning off issues I have been having lately. So far so good, although I'm still doing too much to get everything set back up to know how the battery is doing. The only weird thing I have noticed is that sometimes the phone will just stop turning the screen off after inactivity. I'm not sure if it is because I'm trying to restore all my backups or what. I can manually turn the screen off but if that doesn't stop I'm guessing it won't be too good for having the battery last throughout the day. Once I get everything restored I'll reboot and hopefully that will fix that. Otherwise, so far so good! I like the trusted device thing where it won't lock the phone if it's on my home network. That will be really convenient I think.
Enabling Hangouts is really the only way to stop that. An FDR won't help if you just disable Hangouts again. Something, no one is sure what, is tied to Hangouts and it crashes every time that *whatever it is* checks for it.
Thanks for the info.
Nevermind.. Thought I found a fix for hangouts bug but it didn't work.
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